Covid Palliative Registry
Submit a Case FrançaisThe team at Canadian Virtual Hospice has gathered links on COVID-19 that may be useful to people working in healthcare and to members of the public who are living with an advanced illness or who are caring for someone with an advanced illness. These resources are not a substitute for medical advice. This page will be updated on an ongoing basis. Suggest a resource
Government of Canada
World Health Organization
Infection Prevention and Control Canada (IPAC)
Canadian Psychological Association
Morning Star Lodge, University of Saskatchewan
K. Stajduhar & D. Cloutier: Healthy Debate
For healthcare providers
Talk Dying to Me
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Symptom management and planning
Shared Health Manitoba
Manitoba Palliative Care Physicians
Ontario Palliative Care Network
BC Centre for Palliative Care
Division of Palliative Care, McMaster University
Ontario Palliative Care Network
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)
Pediatrics and children
Children's Healthcare Canada
Speak Up Ontario
End of Life Essentials: Education for Acute Hospitals (AUS)
Adapted for Alberta Health Services from VitalTalk
Serious Ilness Conversations
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services
BC Cancer adapted from Adriadne Labs and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Serious Ilness Care Program Resource (BC Cancer)
Atul Gawande
Dr. Erin Johns, Shared Care
Social work
Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network (SWHPN)
Social Work Hospice and Palliative Care Network (SWHPN)
Spiritual Care/Chaplains
Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE): The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education
Alberta Health Services
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Hospice Palliative Care Ontario
Canadian Nursing Association and uOttawa
Grief webinars
Association for Death Education and Counseling (USA)
Association for Death Education and Counseling (USA)
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Grief related journal articles
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (August, 2020)
Journal of Aging and Social Policy (May, 2020)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (July, 2020)
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy (July, 2020)
Self care
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Medical Association
Ottawa Insititute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Journal articles
Journal of Palliative Medicine (2020)
Critical Care Nurse (July, 2020)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (May 7, 2020)
British Medical Journal (April 20, 2020)
The Lancet (April 22, 2020)
Canadian Medical Association Journal (March 31, 2020)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (March 27, 2020)
BMJ (March 31, 2020)
European Respiratory Journal (in press)
New England Journal of Medicine
Oxford University Medicine Online (Nov, 2019)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Feb, 2010)
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (Feb, 2021)
Webinars and podcasts
Canadian Virtual Hospice and Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians
Canadian Virtual Hospice and Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians
Dying with Dignity Canada
Resource pages
Society of Rural Physicians of Canada
Royal Society of Medicine
North Simcoe Muskoka Hospice Pallaitive Care Network
Center to Advance Palliative Care (USA)
Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA)
PalliAGED Palliative Care Aged Care Evidence (AUS)
For caregivers and people living with illness
Government of Canada
Family Caregivers of British Columbia
The Ontario Caregiver Organization
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Cancer Society
The Ontario Caregiver Organization
Get Palliative Care: Mount Sinai Health System video (USA)
Get Palliative Care (USA)
Alzheimer Society
Get Palliative Care (USA)
Abhimanyu Das: TED Talk
Planning and decision-making
Speak Up Canada
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice: livingoutloud.life
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Dr. Daren Heyland
The Conversation Project
BC Centre for Palliative Care
Supporting children and teens
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Children and Youth Grief Network
The Atlantic
Lighthouse: Peer Support for Grieving Children, Youth and their Families
Lighthouse: Peer Support for Grieving Children, Youth and their Families
Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
National Alliance for Grieving Children
National Alliance for Grieving Children
National Alliance for Grieving Children
Andrea Warnick Consulting
Canadian Virtual Hospice
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Mackenzie Garrett
Kids Help Phone
Centre for Loss & Life Transition
Indigenous people
Alberta Health Services
Alberta Health Services
Morning Star Lodge
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
First Nations Health Managers Association
First Nations Health Authority
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Native Women's Association of Canada
Morning Star Lodge
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Indigenous Services Canada
Government of Canada
Morning Star Lodge
Morning Star Lodge
Morning Star Lodge
Assembly of First Nations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami National Organization
First Peoples Wellness Circle
Dr. Marcia Anderson: First Nations Public Health MD (Manitoba)
Dr. Marcia Anderson: First Nations Public Health MD (Manitoba)
Dr. Marcia Anderson: First Nations Public Health MD (Manitoba)
People experiencing homelessness and social disadvantage
Equity in Palliative Approaches to Care
Canadian Network for the Health and Housing of People Experiencing Homelessness
Government of Canada
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness: Homeless Hub
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Grief and emotional health
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice
The Wellness Society
Mind Beacon
Government of Canada
Psychology Today
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Canadian Mental Health Association
Mental Health Commission of Canada
Sunnybrook Hospital
What's Your Grief
Sarah Sloat: INVERSE
Canadian Psychological Association
Champlaincy Innovation Lab
Beyond Words: Empowering People Through Pictures
Grief Perspectives
Paul Adams: Policy Options
kpbs: Allison St. John & Brooke Ruth featuring Megan Devine
Susan Cadell
Harvard Business Review
Center for Loss & Life Transition: Alan Wolfelt
Alberta Health Services
The Dorothy Ley Hospice
Center for Loss & Life Transition: Alan Wolfelt
The Virtual Funeral Collective
Chaplaincy Innovation Lab
Heart House Hospice
Provincial and territory support links
Alberta Health Services
Government of British Columbia
Government of Manitoba
Government of New Brunswick
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Government of Northwest Territories
Government of Nova Scotia
Government of Nunavut
Government of Ontario
Government of Prince Edward Island
Government of Quebec
Government of Saskatchewan
Government of Yukon
Webinars/podcasts/ted talks/videos
Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program
Grief Support Program, Alberta Health Services
Dr. Kim Bateman: Ted Talk
Megan Devine: Refuge in Grief