For Volunteers

Volunteers are vital members of the palliative care team. The Canadian Virtual Hospice recognizes that palliative care volunteers spend their time supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The dedication and support shown by volunteers is one reason palliative care is so widely regarded as compassionate care.

For Volunteers is intended for volunteers and volunteer managers to showcase and share valuable resource material so that we may benefit from each other’s experiences. 

Manager Resources
Being with Dying: Cultivating Compassion and Fearlessness in the Presence of Death Using a Buddhist approach to death, the author affirms that we can open and contact our inner strength, and that we can help...
Bereavement Volunteer Handbook This handbook was developed by the staff and volunteers working with Palliative Manitoba to guide volunteers working in bereavement...
Canada Bereavement Registry Helping the bereaved by stopping direct mail and phone calls to the deceased. On average, a deceased person will continue...
Companioning the Bereaved: A Soulful Guide for Caregivers Dr. Wolfelt, a respected grief educator, presents a model for grief counseling based on his "companioning" principles.
Compassionate Care Course This page on Hospice & Palliative Care Manitoba's website summarizes the objectives and topics addressed in their basic volunteer...
Crossing Boundaries: Issues for hospice palliative care volunteers This research synopsis highlights the need for education, policies and procedures related to boundary issues in volunteer...
Cultural & Spiritual Sensitivity: A Learning Module for Health Care Professionals A self-learning module to understand one's own cultural and spiritual beliefs and to assist in providing culturally sensitive...
Cultural Traditions and Health Care Beliefs of Some Older Adults This resource was developed to provide an overview of some common cultural beliefs and traditions in the context of health...
Death, Dying and Social Differences "How often in palliative care do you hear patients referred to as a 'case of this' or 'a case of that'? This book serves...
A Dictionary of Patients’ Spiritual and Cultural Values for Healthcare Professionals A general guide meant to describe beliefs and practices generally found within a particular cultural or religious group.
Volunteer Resources
The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit will equip you with essential information about the Compassionate Community framework... Getpalliativecare. org is an American website which provides  palliative care information for people coping with serious,...
How to Be an Even Better Listener: A Practical Guide for Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteers Using a combination of compelling vignettes and reflective exercises, Robert Mundle provides readers with practical strategies...

For more information about becoming a volunteer, contact your local or provincial palliative care office.

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