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Bearing Witness & Holding Space 
Started by Digger
25 Mar 2013, 2:44 PM

This arises from the discussion around helping with grief. (see How to accompany someone who is grieving?)

Bearing witness and holding space for someone in the dying journey seems to help both the dying and the living. The terms are not easy to define or extract from our personal experience, yet so valuable to share when we do.

What is your experience with bearing witness and holding space?

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Reply by eKIM
26 Mar 2013, 3:46 AM

There is an elderly couple at hospice right now.  They have been there more than a month.  He is dying, she is nurturing.  She is with him every day and sleeps in his room every night.  They are from “the old country”.  They have been married over half a century. 

He is at peace with dying.  She is always smiling, and chatting and creating a positive, even cheerful atmosphere.  He luxuriously bathes in the warm waters of her love – he smiles all the time.  They are a shining example to all of us at hospice.

As a hospice volunteer, I bear witness for them by marveling in the story of their love and telling them so.  They both know how fortunate they have been to have had each other’s love.  Their love is so powerful that, you can easily see how their love conquers the sadness regarding his dying process.  They both seem to want to minimize the negative and maximize the positive in the short time he has left.

I hold space for them by briefly joining them in their beautiful “space”.  I stay only briefly each time to let them maximize their time together.  The time I do spend with them is spent in prayer (they are very religious), listen to the stories of their wonderful life together, or contribute to the positive environment that they desire and have created.  I tell them how the example that they set has enhanced my own marriage and how many of us at hospice have said the same thing.

Love is like jam.  You cannot spread it without getting at least a little bit on yourself.


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Reply by Digger
26 Mar 2013, 1:54 PM

The scene you describe is beautiful and rare KIm. To be with the same partner for a life and a then a death is beyond words.

Sometimes just showing up and allowing is what the dying person wants. No judgement or attempts to fix and often not saying anything at all. The hard part is holding back our own fear and sadness so they are not in the place of having to comfort us. This was evident with my ex-wife. In the last week of her life I had to focus on being present for her - my melt downs were in private.

What i know now is that dying, especially the late stages, engages all of the person who is about to pass. Our loving task is to support them by giving them persmission to die and holding the silent space.

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Reply by eKIM
02 Apr 2013, 4:33 PM

Hi again, Shelley.  I feel so foolish, not finding your original posting.  Doubly foolish because I have been studying what you wrote as well as what Dale wrote.  More so, I have been trying to put into practice what I am learning from the two of you.  Please continue to contribute.


Yesterday at my hospice volunteer shift, I sat with a woman who told me in poignant detail, the story of her life growing up in the Middle East.  Her need to tell her story was great.  Her story was riveting.  I was able to practice “bearing witness”.


Later I sat with a gentleman who is very sad in his dying process.  We spoke but few words.  As I held his hand, he clung to me with a desperation bourn of the winter of the soul. 


I sat, holding his hand, wordlessly looking into his eyes, through to the very centre of his being.  We connected with a purity of purpose that is indescribable. 


He fell asleep, I abided awhile, then took my leave.  I “held space” with him.  I was in the “moment” with him.  I was fully “present” with him.  I am a better person and I am blessed by our time together.


I have done this previously with people, during my three year tenure at hospice, but I really was “winging” it.  I believe that at a minimum it is a ten year apprenticeship.  Dale’s expressions, “bearing witness” and “holding space”, have been candles to light my path.  Shelley, your word too have enlightened me.  Thank you so much for helping me.


“When the student is ready, the teacher(s) will come.”  - your humble student – eKim


Ps For clarity and ease of access, Shelly, can we continue this ongoing discussion on Dale’s new thread, “Bearing Witness and Holding Space.”?  I have reposted the above in that location.

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