Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : de Souza Institute - Oncology & Palliative Care Education
Organisme : de Souza Institute
Date de l’événement : août 01, 2017 to mars 31, 2019
Lieu : Available canada-wide, though online and web conferencing
Toronto, Ontario, M5G1Z6
Code postal : M5G1Z6
Lien :
Personne-ressource : 1-844-758-6891
Public cible : Professionnels de la santé
Catégorie : Cours en ligne
Détails :

de Souza Institute offers health care professionals online courses to enhance expertise to provide the best possible cancer and palliative care. We provide health care professionals with the advanced knowledge and expertise to handle every situation including managing a reaction to chemotherapy medication, managing anxiety and fears, and managing pain and other symptoms. Palliative care courses range from Introduction to Hospice Palliative Care to the Interprofessional Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care - Oncology course. Oncology courses include Cancer Care Basics, Foundations of Oncology Nursing Practice and psychosocial courses deliver in partnership with the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. A list of our courses is available at

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