Cours et conférences

Ajouter un événement
Titre de l’événement : de Souza Intern
Organisme : de Souza Institute
Date de l’événement : juillet 20, 2015 to juillet 20, 2017
Lieu : , Autres,
Code postal :
Lien :
Personne-ressource :
Public cible : Professionnels de la santé, Autres
Catégorie : Cours
Détails :

de Souza Designations are the latest standard in cancer care nursing excellence. Nurses with their de Souza Designation are recognized by employers, patients and   families, policy makers and the public as health care professionals possessing strong skills in the oncology and/or hospice palliative care specialty areas. Obtaining a Designation identifies leaders and contributes to lifelong learning.

The newest Designation – de Souza Intern – enables undergraduate nursing students to develop competency in oncology and hospice/palliative care practice. de Souza Interns will be well-prepared candidates for career opportunities in cancer and hospice palliative care upon their graduation, and will be ideally situated to continue their specialty career  development with the de Souza Institute, and other organizations.

The de Souza Intern Designation is ideal for undergraduate nursing students with an interest in Oncology and Hospice Palliative Care.

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