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Chagrin et deuil
Healing the Bereaved Child: Grief Gardening, Growth Through Grief and Other Touchstones for Caregivers This book written by Alan D. Wolfelt,  PhD, Grief Counsellor,  will help anyone who is working with children and teens who...
I Can’t Stop Crying: Grief and Recovery, A Compassionate Guide “This book looks at how being bereaved affects relationships with family and friends, lifestyle, work habits, and hopes for...
Karissa and Felix After the death of Karissa’s grandfather, an unlikely friend delivers a special gift of remembrance. A young children’s book...
Le cerf-volant de mon père Le cerf-volant de mon père établit un rapprochement entre la complexité des émotions reliées au deuil et le cycle sans fin...
Le deuil et ses saisons Les photographies et les mots choisis visent à offrir un temps pour se déposer et vivre pleinement l’expérience entourant...
Moments in Time Moments in Time is a fictional account of a spouse’s struggle to overcome the grief of losing her husband. It is an engaging...
Morning Has Broken: A Collection of Creative Writing About Grief and Healing (2nd ed) This is a unique anthology containing 50 original submissions about healing from the pain of losing a loved one. The contributing...
Parenting After the Death of a Child: A Practitioner's Guide In the aftermath of the death of a child, parents face the challenge of not only dealing with their own grief, but also that...
The Suitcase & The Jar: Travels with a Daughter's Ashes When a brain tumour takes the life of Becky Livingston’s twenty-three-year-old daughter Rachel, her life makes an unconventional...
Tear Soup, a recipe for healing after loss Tear Soup is a family story book that centers around an old and somewhat wise woman, Grandy.   Grandy has just suffered a...
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