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Adolescents - au sujet de
Autism Speaks: Bereavement and Grief Resources Information articles and suggested books/workbooks related to autistic children and teens living with illness, death, and...
Childhood Cancer Canada Foundation MISSION: To create victories for Canadian children with cancer through investment in national, collaborative, lifesaving...
Courageous Parents Network A website which provides parents and families of children living with serious illness with expert guidance and a virtual...
The Dougy Center: For Adults Helping Children and Teens If you know a child or teen who has experienced the death of a mother, father, caregiver, sister, brother, or friend, you...
Funerals in the time of a Pandemic: A toolkit for children’s and families A toolkit for children’s and families about funerals in the time of a Pandemic developed by GoodGrief. org.
Helping Children Cope With Grief Parents, caregivers and educators wondering how they can help will find many answers to their questions in the following...
Interprofessional education in palliative and end of life care course free modules These modules teach fundamental clinical communication skills taken from the full de Souza Interprofessional Education in...
Kids Help Phone: Teens Canada's toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, referral and Internet service for children and youth.
Kids Konnected: Cancer Support & Information Kids Konnected was developed on the premise that when a parent gets cancer, the entire family is affected and the needs of...
l’enfant face au cancer Une sélection de livres, de vidéos et de sites web pour les 3-16 ans et leurs parents.
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