Alberta Palliative Care Drug Coverage

Adresse Mailing Address: Alberta Health and Wellness Attention: Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan PO Box 1360, Station Main
Ville Edmonton
Province / Territoire / État Alberta
Code postal / Code postal américain T5J 2N3
Pays Canada
Téléphone 780-427-1432 Edmonton Toll-free within Alberta at 310-0000 then 780-427-1432
Numéro de télécopieur 780-422-0102
Adresse courriel

Refer to the above web site for information specific to the palliative care drug coverage program in Alberta.
For additional contact information and phone numbers refer to:
Deaf/hearing impaired callers within Alberta using a TTY, you can reach the provincial government by dialing: 780-427-9999 in Edmonton, or 1-800-232-7215 in Alberta – This is not a voice line. Health Link Alberta Toll-Free 1-866-408-5465.



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