Hospice Care Ottawa

Adresse 114 Cameron Avenue
Ville Ottawa
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain K1S 0X1
Pays Canada
Téléphone 613-260-2906
Numéro de télécopieur 1-613-260-2906
Adresse courriel info@hospicecareottawa.ca
Url Hospice Care Ottawa

Hospice Care Ottawa is a community-based charitable, non-profit organization. We offer palliative and end-of-life care, at no charge, to individuals and their loved ones. At Hospice Care Ottawa we support individuals and their caregivers during their entire illness, from the time of diagnosis through to death and bereavement. Programs are provided at our hospice sites across the City of Ottawa and within the community. Delivery of services is made possible through the support of a small dedicated staff, many volunteers and generous donors. Services include Community Hospice Care from Day Hospice, In-Home volunteer visiting and Caregiver Support, Bereavement Care and Residential Hospice Care.

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Programmes et services

Services offerts aux échelons
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