My Choices for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare

My Choices for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare is a place to record information related to your health and preferences for your care. It can help you to have conversations with healthcare providers; to plan for your future care; and to share information with others, including your emergency contacts.

We encourage you to complete as much of this document as you wish. You can fill out the PDF and save it as an electronic document, or print it.

Consider giving a copy of this document to the important people in your life, and sharing this information with healthcare providers. Take it with you when you attend appointments, call 911, visit the emergency department, or access other healthcare services.

If your province has a process for documenting your wishes for care, ensure this information is included on those documents and kept in the same place.

You may choose to save My Choices for Save and Inclusive Healthcare to your computer or mobile device or print it.

Click here to open and then download to your personal device.

My Choices for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare

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My Choices for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare


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My Choices for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare

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