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... program of research investigating the impact of compassion in clinical care. Shane joined the Canadian Virtual Hospice team as a spiritual care consultant in 2012. His work exploring spirituality at the...
... in Children's Grief and Bereavement at Ontario's Hincks-Dellcrest Centre. As a member of the Canadian Virtual Hospice clinical team Andrea provides advice, and develops and reviews content related to...
... of Excellence for Outstanding Contributions to Psychosocial Oncology in Canada. As a member the Canadian Virtual Hospice clinical team, Jill develops and reviews psychosocial content and provides consultation...
... two special initiatives for the President of the University of Winnipeg. Shelly’s arrival at the Canadian Virtual Hospice in 2007 was a homecoming of sorts. While working as a Senior Policy Advisor for...
Canadian Virtual Hospice
... that much time left. What am I going to do with it?” Remarks on the occasion of the screening of Canadian Virtual Hospice’s films "Dr. Balfour Mount: Reflections on Living and Dying, " at the International...
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Global National News - Vital Signs feature: Canadian Virtual Hospice aired April 8, 2009
Canadian Virtual Hospice
Canadian Virtual Hospice