- Results found in: Clinical Tools
Created by the Cancer Journey Action Group, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, this guideline includes screening tools for distress and suggestions for minimum data setin the appendices. Working copy...
... this guideline was made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada, through the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. This guideline was developed through a collaborative partnership between...
... cancer control resourcesfor health care professionals. In a collaborative effort, NCI and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) have expanded the Cancer Control P. L. A. N. E. T.
Louise Hanvey for the Palliative Care and End of Life Working Group, Cancer Journey Action Group: Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
This guideline was developed through a collaborative partnership between the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO). The guideline provides interventions...
... program was adapted from the successful EPEC-O program in the UnitedStates with funding provided byCanadianPartnership AgainstCancer (CPAC). Self study modules and materials (on CD-ROM) for trainers and...
- Results found in: Resources
Online Resources Clinical Tool Web Site Canadian Partnership Against Cancer The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer is an independent organization funded by the federal government to accelerate action...
... and remote areas. It is also an education tool for health providers. Funding was provided by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.
Canadian Partnership against Cancer
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Education Subcommittee conducted a national scan regarding Canadian psychosocial oncology educational opportunities; the findings are compiled in a new Psychosocial...