- Results found in: Courses & Conferences
... have often tried to protect them from the devastating, yet unavoidable and natural, experience of grief. Growing knowledge about young people’s needs and capacities has supported the recognition that...
This two-day workshop will provide an overview of grief and loss inherent to palliative and end-of-life care. Living with – and dying from – a life-limiting illness is made up of multiple, accumulated...
... both within and without traditional religious orthodoxy, questions of spirituality in death and grief are often marginalized, with death being managed as a primarily medical event. How do we place the...
- Results found in: Clinical Tools
Online Resources Clinical Tool Downloadable File Palliative Care Guidelines – Part 3 (of 3): Grief and Bereavement This guideline found on BCguidelines. ca, “addresses the needs of adult patients with...
Books Clinical Tool Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice This text presents an explanation of research-based theories and clinical wisdom across a variety of...
... areas on important hospice palliative care topics such as hastened death, dementia and complicated grief. Personal reflections from a wide range of professionals active in the field including social workers,...
Grief and bereavement
Grief and bereavement
Grief and bereavement
Grief and bereavement