- Occurrences trouvées dans: Cours et conférences
University of Calgary
... and Professor, Div of Cancer Medicine, Dept of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX - Harvey Chochinov , OM, MD, PhD, FRCPC. Director,...
- Occurrences trouvées dans: The Exchange
... Perth, Australie; 4. Hôpital général de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg; 5. Tom Baker Cancer Centre; 6. University of Calgary; 7. Calgary Health Region Source : Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2008; 36(6): 559-571.
- Occurrences trouvées dans: Autres
Dr. Shane Sinclair, Assistant Professor CancerCare Research Professorship at the University of Calgary, certified spiritual care specialist with the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care, canadian virtual...
... The Canadian Virtual Hospice website, a palliative care physician in Canada who graduated from the University of Calgary. Completed her fellowship training in palliative care through the University of...
Dr. Neil Hagen, neurological oncologist, symptom management, University of Calgary, Head of the Division of Palliative Medicine, peer review committee
... Programs, Continuing Care, Edmonton Zone, Alberta Health Services and Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta. She focused on symptoms (pain, breathlessness), comfort, suffering, ethics and qualitative...