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Vulnerable populations
New2SLGBTQ+: Proud, Prepared, and Protected A collection of online resources to assist people who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ to access and receive inclusive, respectful care.
Advancing Palliative Care in Resource Limited Settings Presentation by Dr Kathleen Foley, September 2014 highlights projects around the world which offer lessons to other resource...
Caring for Seniors With Alzheimer's Disease and Other Forms of Dementia One of two related studies released in 2010 by Canadian Institute of Health Information. See also "Supporting Informal Caregivers—The...
Chronic Diseases in Canada Open access to health evidence journals by Public Health Agency of Canada, this edition (31(1)  December 2010 is a co-publication of 'Chronic...
Completing the Circle This website created by First Nations University, Saskatchewan, provides information and resources on culturally sensitive...
Completing the Circle: Diverse Voices of Protocol and Health In this video Aboriginal Elders and community members describe the diversity of protocol that First Nations follow when a...
Completing the Circle: Youth and Grieving This video conveys stories of bereaved youth and traditional responses from Aboriginal elders. We hope this video will help...
Courageous Parents Network A website which provides parents and families of children living with serious illness with expert guidance and a virtual...
Cross-Cultural Considerations in Promoting Advance Care Planning in Canada This report was prepared for the Palliative and End-of-Life Care Unit, Chronic and Continuing Care Division, Secretariat...
Dancing with Broken Bones: Poverty, Race, and Spirit-filled Dying in the Inner City Moller is a sociologist who takes us into the world of the urban poor;
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