Forums de discussion

Réponse de NatR
13 févr. 2013, 21 h 37

Sorry all, my auto correct really got carried away on the word winter!,,
Réponse de Brayden
14 févr. 2013, 3 h 44

Dear NatR,

Good to hear from you. I must confess that I have been more lax in responding to posts lately as I am enjoying the sunshine in Az. until early March. I do however read every post. Even here I manage to come in contact with people in Paliative care and can share /support them. I admire your commitment and dedication Nat and always look forward to your kind hearted support. I do not even pay attention to spelling errors but look for the message. Please keep it up.

All the best,

Réponse de NatR
14 févr. 2013, 18 h 00

Hi Brayden 

you know people tell me that time online is wasted , fake , a way to meet is having real-life connections, and that I need to lose my phone/computer!

today I value the connections I have made with Real people , those that write in with burdens and concerns to share - and I value interaction with you and other forum members - such as our great moderator Colleen - who watches over the Virtual Hospice like a den mother.

grateful to hear and be heard, grateful to learn and share, grateful for the technology that expands our world  to so many wonderful people!

sending best wishes to all readers - keep sharing and talking - awesome to feel the connection ;)
we are not alone .
ps Brayden thanks for overlooking errors and finding the content :)

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