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Réponse de eKIM
18 févr. 2014, 4 h 07

Hello Aphasia Sufferer's Daughter,

I read your postings and I would like to say that I think that your Mother was so lucky to have a wonderful daughter like you.  What love, what devotion.

I can see that you became an "expert" in palliative care, all by yourself.  You were a good student of this life skill and you performed with high standards.

You understand the great importance of self-care and I can see that you are justifiably rewarding yourself.

And now you are embarking on a voyage of self-discovery.  How exciting.  

Thank you so much for sharing your story.  You have enriched the lives of many, many people that you'll never meet.

All the best in your future.

30 mars 2014, 12 h 54

I have paid for a personal trainer to work out with me three times a week for the next six ensure that I have help in my new body and lufe reclaiming task. I cant afford it so I am  giving up some stuff like cable TV and all junk food and a membershio i  a theatre ( i can still buy ticket) to get the  money. I have cut costs in other areas and will paint my cottage exterior myself. Gym most days of the week, church and bible study, art and having friends for dinner are my formula  for grief and building a new life. I am benchmarking my progess in June and August. I am paying for the gym trainer over 12 months...for 6 months three times a week. I want my body back.
Réponse de eKIM
01 avr. 2014, 17 h 25

Hi Cathy

WOW, WOW, WOW !!!  That is so impressive.  Talk about a "Total Makeover"!  Renewing the "Body, Mind and Spirit" is quite a challenge, for sure – but you will succeed.  

I never presume to advise anyone what to do.  But I would follow your lead, Cathy if I was looking for inspiration. 

The “body makeover” appeals to me.  I feel really, really good about myself when I am in the best physical form that I am capable of being – and that doesn’t mean perfect, it just means a lot better than I was before.

The spiritual emphasis appeals to me for many reasons, one of them being: “I cannot do this alone, but with divine help I can do anything.

Reaching out to others, I believe is a surefire way to garner support and banish the demon “Loneliness”.   I believe that we should not sit back and wonder “Why is so-and-so, not inviting me to dinner?  Invite them!”  I love this quote, “You want to be loved?  Go out and love someone.”

I really admire your pro-active approach, Cathy.  Please keep us all here at V.H. updated on your progress.  We are cheering you on.  ~ eKim

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