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Réponse de radicalrick
20 avr. 2015, 19 h 11
Réponse de Tian
20 avr. 2015, 21 h 52

Nothing to get too excited about. Groundshaking advances are not published in Neuroscience Letters and the reference to NIH does not confer anything special. All medical reports are available on that website.
Réponse de JennJilks
20 avr. 2015, 22 h 08

We really can't trust such. There are even some journals where if you pay, they publish. There is no question, however, that it relives pain. Sorry, relieves!!! Freudian slip! My arthritis is getting worse.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
25 avr. 2015, 15 h 11


JennJilks your Fruedian slip was great! Have you seen the film I suggested to Radicalrick with Dr. Daeninck? I was thinking it might be of interest to your physician as well.

Appreciate your insight as well Tian. Interesting topic as you say JennJilks.

I was wondering from your post Radicalrick if you, like JennJilks, are looking to use marijuana for symptom control as well? From one of your last posts you mentioned you had not yet asked your doctor about it. If symptom control is the case, I wonder if it might not be worth talking with them - he or she may have some suggestions. As well, if marijuana is not prescribed there may be other medications that will help you. 

It sounds like you are really quite alone there - do you have family or friend supports?  

Look forward to hearing from you.


Réponse de radicalrick
26 avr. 2015, 23 h 15

hi thanks for writing,i have applied for medical marijuana and my oncoligist filled out the documents,they were sent in and i just recieved news that i was denied because on the application it states...duration of treatment...for which 1 year was indicated,apparently it needs to be recorded as month ie: 12...frustrating,they have returned the documents for the doc to make the change.

and yes i am quite alone on this journey and appreciate the correspondence....radicalrick

Réponse de Tian
27 avr. 2015, 0 h 10

With all the challenges you're facing Radical Rick you could certainly do without the bureaucratic muckups. But you have worked hard and forged ahead and got a sympathetic oncologist and hopefully you'll get the marijuana quickly assuming that the application is seen by someone who can read so your critical situation is recognized. 

Have all friends and family not shown any interest in you? Whatever, you are not quite alone. You'll always be heard here.

Réponse de JennJilks
27 avr. 2015, 12 h 30

What a pain in the butt, Rick!
They are deathly afraid of this method of pain relief. Everyone is following the rules to the letter of the law. The Canadian Medical Cannabis Association is lobbying, thankfully.

Licensed MM groups are demonstrating that they have expertise, i.e., collecting feedback. Many in the medical profession only work from research-based results, and the big pharmaceautical are the ones funding their own research, based on profits. There are many strains, which are targeted at various chronic conditions, including pain.  B.C. is in the forefront of this type of research.

I laugh at the spelling the government came up with.

Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, SOR/2013-119, CONTROLLED DRUGS AND SUBSTANCES ACT

  Anyway, good to read that you are on your way with this, Rick. We have learned to self-advocate on our journey. It's good to feel you have some sort of control.

Do you know about the hospice work B.C. has been doing? They are in the forefront of many Canadian initiatives. I'm impressed with what I hear from here in Ontario. I'm getting info from the point of view as caregiver, but their support for clients is excellent. They will find you some volunteers who will help you. This is what I've been doing, providing respite and advocating for families. 

The cancer societies are amazing, too. They will provide drivers, as well as escorts. I have been an escort for several clients, taking notes on their doctor's information. It helps to have someone there for you.


Palliative Care/Hospice Websites : BC Cancer Agency 

the Victoria hospice is great. Contact them for physical support. Check in with us for moral support! 

Victoria Hospice | Palliative Care Counselling Bereavement ... 


All the best from Ontario!
Réponse de radicalrick
27 avr. 2015, 19 h 04

thanks jj


Réponse de KathCull_admin
20 mai 2015, 0 h 20

Just wondered how things were with you Radicalrick. Was the doctor able to make the needed changes?  How have you been feeling?

29 nov. 2018, 21 h 51


The topic of cannabis absolutely is at the root of much discussion both in Canada and internationally


I was looking at some of the information we have on our website about cannabis and thought I would share - not sure if you have seen this, it's from the Government of Canada - Cannabis in Canada


Research around medical marijuana continues to grow and so does our understanding of this drug and its potential capabilities.


For interest, here is a video Medical marijuana use in palliative care narrated by a Winnipeg Oncologist Dr. Paul Daeninck 


- Ogechi (CVH Moderator)

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