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Réponse de NatR
02 nov. 2012, 23 h 50

Dear glasslady001,

well, thats a lot to take in, i can see how much you need support from anywhere at this point!

i am allergic to animals but i do know their ability to comfort and give affection to their owners - i hope they make you feel a bit better by having theur company.

again i stress the importance of finding someone you can talk to face to face - as nice as we all are on the forum - it really will help you to have a face to face confidant.

i do realize how hard it is to take advice:) i am really good at offering  advice but bristle when someone tells me i need to look at myself and my own situation;)

just take one day at a time, it will be enough to do that for now.  My next question is how do you feel about your husband leaving home and pointing at you? You do know he is also dealing with shock and denial?  ( i am starting to sound like a daytime tv show - sorry)

i guess i just want you to take a breath and Not tske things personally.  Things have a way of unfolding and settling down.  Myself and others on the Forum will support and listen - and remind you to take care of you.

best wishes
Réponse de Glasslady001
05 nov. 2012, 23 h 46

Thank you ... I got home on Friday just in time to receive a call from my mother, telling me that my father was diagnosed with cancer on Thursday....
he's 80....

Réponse de highlanddancermom40
26 nov. 2012, 2 h 26

Hello Everyone:

My name is Jennifer. I am also known as highlanddancermom40. I joined virtual hospice when my sister was diagnosed with cancer and it was a helpful site after she passed. It's been almost two years since her passing.

I went back to work recently as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) and enjoy every minute and wouldn't trade my job for anything. I wasn't able to help my sister the way I wanted to, but most of my clients have some form of cancer, so I am able to help by helping them. Having gone through the death of my sister, I thought it would be difficult for me to see others with cancer, but it's not like that at all. I am thankful to have been given this opportunity to help others.

If anyone should have any questions, I would be happy to share what I know :)

Take care        
Réponse de NatR
26 nov. 2012, 2 h 38

Good evening to Glasslady001,

hello - I apologise for not responding to your note of Nov 5th regarding your father and the cancer diagnosis.

I am sorry you have so much happening at once.

I am sincerely hoping that you are coping with this double load.  How is your mom doing? How are you?

Have you found someone in your community to lend support?
Sending thoughts your way and when you are able - let us know how things are
i am hoping that your parents live fairly near you - so you are able to visit them easily.

best wishes NatR 
Réponse de NatR
26 nov. 2012, 2 h 44

Hello Jennifer,

its nice to know you have used the forum for personal support and it's awesome that you are returning to offer your input and assistance to others

the forum is a great way to communicate, gain information and support.
like you I am a PSW - retired now and hands on caregiver with a family member.

welcome back and I know your involvement will help others.

Good evening;)

26 nov. 2012, 14 h 23

Highlanddancermom40 (Jennifer)

Wow. What a story. Your sister will certainly contibute to your being a very special PSW. We're proud that Virtual Hospice was able to help you through your journey and that you recognize the importance of peer support to such a degree that you have returned to support and mentor others. Welcome back in this special role and thank you.


PS: We have a few PSWs sharing on the forums. NatR of course is a extremely valued core member. Here's a conversation where we started collecting educational resources specific to PSW work. Perhaps you have more to add. PSW- More educational training 
Réponse de Glasslady001
26 nov. 2012, 15 h 25

Hi NatR,
i think I have found someone through cancer care. I was to meet with him today but he cancelled.
Réponse de Brayden
28 nov. 2012, 16 h 05

Dear Glasslady001,
You have been in my thoughts often these last three weeks. I have been taking my SIL and her mother to the hospital practically daily as her father had cancer surgery. Just seeing the constant traffic thru the cancer centre is enough to make you feel upset and feel sorry for each one of them. It must be upsetting to have someone cancel out on you but I am sure you have experienced that a lot in reverse. My hope is that you will manage to find the right individual soon as there is so much on your plate now. December will only intensify the pressure. Caring for you.
Réponse de Glasslady001
29 nov. 2012, 16 h 05

Thank you Braydon.
the appointment. Has been rescheduled for next week. My husband has been scheduled for more tests next week, so hopefully we are getting closer to a treatment plan and prognosis .
Pout. Of respect to my own clients, I am taking some off work to regroup. 
Réponse de carlbird
06 déc. 2012, 21 h 42

Hello. My name is Carl. I am married to Barb who was diagnosed with stage IIIc Ovarian Cancer in April/May of 2010. After lots of treatment and surgery, she was doing ok then the Cancer has recurred - twice. Most recently the cancer returned in June of this year and in August we found out that she had tumours on her brain as well as along her lungs and that she also has enlgarged lymph nodes. She is now considered Stage IV with metastacese (sp) including the brain. A series of Chemotherapy was initaited but the side effects now outway the benefits. Nothwithstanding the chemo, she continued to experience acistes in the lungs and nausea etal. So in consultation with our family doctor and Barb's oncologist, the decision was made to cease treatments.

It is now a matter of when, not if, Barb will be leaving us. It is very hard. We live in Yellowknife where there are no readily available support groups for caregivers. I am fortunate to have a good group of supoprtive friends in Yellowknife and family from Ontario. However, it is getting tougher and tougher as a caregiver.

I have always been able to make food that Barb likes but now her appetite is depressed and her taste buds have changed. It is hard to make something she likes well enough so that she can eat enough.

Most of all, the toughest thing is that I can't seem to make her smile or laugh anymore. That hurts a lot.

I hope to find an online support group here or through in the near future.

If anyone can share their experiences, this is very new to me, that would be helpful.


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