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Réponse de Tian
31 janv. 2014, 19 h 33

How about a community that is


31 janv. 2014, 22 h 07

I really like this Tian! I wonder if we could do the whole alphabet? Is that a community challenge?

The obvious B adjective would be:

Réponse de Xenia
31 janv. 2014, 23 h 25


:It is a blessing to view the email support

Réponse de sickness
01 févr. 2014, 13 h 59

The letter "C"......


Réponse de Tian
04 févr. 2014, 0 h 28

Not a description of our community but I think a quote worth noting:

Death is the dark backing that a mirror needs if we are to see anything. - Saul Bellow 


Réponse de mzmojo
04 févr. 2014, 17 h 04

hi, my words may not be just one word:

unbiased opinions

true understanding

pure honesty and openess

Réponse de GirlWithTheBlackBeret
04 févr. 2014, 23 h 01

Here are my 3 words, better late than never!

  • Embracing
  • Supportive
  • Helpful


05 févr. 2014, 2 h 48

Great additions Xenia, Tian, sickness, mzmojo and GirlWithTheBlackBeret.

Love the new picture Lori (mzmojo)!
Réponse de mzmojo
05 févr. 2014, 17 h 25

Thank you.  It was the only Mother's Day I got to share with my mom - me now being a mom... :(
08 févr. 2014, 21 h 19

Thank you for all your submissions. Keep them coming. Here's our word collage to date.

You described the Virtual Hospice community as:
Virtual Hospice Community described in top words

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