Forums de discussion

Réponse de NatR
09 févr. 2014, 1 h 57

That's Beautiful!
a great Poster!!!
Réponse de sickness
09 févr. 2014, 2 h 57

The is truly an inspirational collage!!!!

great job.  :) 
Réponse de marstin
09 févr. 2014, 3 h 16

That's awesome!
Réponse de nanalovesu
14 févr. 2014, 14 h 52

My three awesome words:





It's better than talking to myself or the walls.


Réponse de Mark99
03 nov. 2015, 22 h 04

Closure is indifference 
Réponse de Xenia
04 nov. 2015, 22 h 04

Three words:



Réponse de Carlyn
06 nov. 2015, 0 h 44


24/7 (agree with Katherine - that is rare gift having a place always there from comfort of home)

06 nov. 2015, 1 h 06

Hi Mark,

Welcome back and thanks for re-igniting this thread. Can you explain your word choice "closure is indifference." I'm not sure what you mean and it intrigues me.
Réponse de Mark99
06 nov. 2015, 1 h 15

Wow no one ever notices what I write. Being that you are a moderator am I going to be yelled at?

Ha ha I am a riot sometimes.

At a time of loss you hear people say, or we read, or we get told. You need to find closure to this loss. Closure is indifferece to the grief, to the person, to what is in your heart. It is not about closing something but opening yourself up to learn and grow. As I have written on my blog 
“Grief is not sadness. There’s sadness in grief, but grief is not exhausted when the sadness goes away. And it does go away, because you can only drag yourself around and rend your clothes for so long. Sadness has a shelf life, but grief endures."
"Your better self is born of grief. Grief is the amniotic fluid for your humanity. That's how it works. the guilt will pass, but the grief will not, because it is composted into something much more life-loving–but not human-hating. There's no hating, no resigning, no withdrawing or running or transcending. Stay here. Stay long enough that the grief can have its way with you, and you begin to realize that this grief is a wisdom, a recognition that human being are maintained by the death of other living things."
From this post
06 nov. 2015, 1 h 25

Okay Mark, let's set the record straight... I read every word, in fact, hang off every word written here. I rarely yell (but don't confirm that with my daughter Wink)

Thank you for elaborating. I had an inkling of the meaning of "closure is indifference" and I wasn't far off, but you have expressed it so much more eloquently. I'm sure many here can relate to "there is sadness in grief but grief is not sadness." Well said!

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