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Réponse de jorola
18 oct. 2014, 19 h 20

Mine is the first 2 letters of my first, middle and last name. I have used it for years. It is a long story but when i first met my husband this gave us over an hour of laughter as he tried to figure out my middle name. I still think it is obv and still tease him once and a while about this. Interestingly though there is a city in the Ukraine that is called Jorola. People have asked me if I was from there. Nope.
Réponse de Dar64
23 oct. 2014, 3 h 33

Mine is not all that hard to figure out i have always been Dar (short form of Darlene) and i was born in 1964 (shhh i know i am getting old) hence Dar64.. lol
Réponse de Brayden
26 oct. 2014, 14 h 21

Reply by Brayden,

There is nothing creative about my name, just logical thinking from a man. It is the name of my oldest grandson. I could think of nothing better.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
02 mai 2015, 16 h 29

Since my nickname is not that interesting, for the purposes of this discussion:) I thought I would tell you about my husband's nickname. His given name is Henry - which has been shortened to 'Hen'. For the longest time I wasn't sure why some people also called him 'Coop'. I then found out it was a play on the first nickname 'Hen' = chicken - coop!


Réponse de Wingman
10 mai 2015, 2 h 14

when my best friend was dx with her first cancer, I told her I was her wingman. She did great with radiation and life carried on.
Last fall the cancer came back with a vengence...and wingman came to life looking to understand and to feel understood.
 Didnt occur to me at the time.....but actually a wingwoman I suppose....but Wingman still just feels right.
I am her wingman.... it is a tough road to is an honour to walk alongside....  

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