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Réponse de NatR
21 juil. 2014, 14 h 27

Hi Jenn,

its good of you to update everyone - I hear you on dealing with the " unknown". It's very wearing to feel the pressure of the unknown and possibilities.

as you said it's very important to take each day as it comes.  If we didn't embrace each day we would end up hiding under the covers or locking the doors to make sure we are safe anf  not in danger.

its a very good thing that you are a wonderful caregiver with experience (gaining that experience is not what we want to do - but we all know someone who has done it or is going to do it.. What's that famous quote - we are all either one or the other or about to become either a caregiver or caree/patient

your husband is a lucky man to have you there -taking photos of nature and grandchildren, laughing through the fun times and sturdy as a rock as you wait for appointments and tests

I loved your photo of the monarch butterfly.  We need to take care of those delicate creatures and the honey need who are in danger - even Mother Nature needs a few caregivers.

wishing you and your hubby a grand time with the granddaughters - and having so many adventures while the nice weather is with us.

i do hope the diet and good intolerance thing gets sorted out 
shhh I don't like quinoa either!!!

best wishes to you and yours Jenn
Réponse de jorola
22 juil. 2014, 22 h 19

Hi Jenn,

I am glad you guys got the grandkids for a bit. They really do brighten your day. Ours came up on the 11th. She is 20 months old did wonders for Mick especially since he still struggles with getting any real food down. She brought us our wedding rings when we were married on saturday. she was so proud of herself - all giggles. FUnny you put a picture of a butterfly up. when we started planning our wedding 3 months ago i just seem to naturally migrate to butterflies. So the whole theme ended up being butterflies. But it is suiting. The caterpiller changes into a butterfly and begins a new life. This is what we are doing. Mick too has scans every two months now. next one not till september so we too have taken the rest of the summer off from cancer.

Since the day after the wedding i am more exhaysted than i have been. think my adrenilin as slowed down and my body is just forcing me to rest. i am ok with that actually.

You are doing an excellent job Jenn. TAke care of yourself too!

Réponse de JennJilks
22 juil. 2014, 22 h 42

Thanks so much, Jodie!
Réponse de KathCull_admin
04 août 2014, 22 h 03

I know you've been posting on other threads Jenn but thought I would check in and see how things are for you this weekend. Plus I wanted to tell you ladies that I never did like quinoa, but our daughter is a vegetarian and so I have tried a few things and surprise, surprise I like it! There is one meatless shepherd's pie.....

But it's much easier to change diet because I have options - hard when you do not have them. Food is such an integral part to our lives - especially socially - and I really enjoy cooking. I imagine both you and Jorola are working hard to provide the food your husband needs but can also enjoy. 

Talking about a golden moment - you know that here on the prairies we are mosquito capital but this year I have noticed an abundance of dragonflies and I know they are making a difference to the mosquito population + they are so lovely. 

Take care all

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