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Réponse de NatR
04 déc. 2012, 13 h 47

Dear Jane, Carolyn and Tracie,

I cannot come close to the wonderful words posted by Cath1 to you all.  I can only echo them and wish you the peace and the Angels in your close circle of support.

You are all heroes to me, expressing your feelings and sharing them with us all.  Your journeys shared with us help us all understand better.

At this time of the year when so many are celebrating...we certainly are aware of how much you all are missing and remembering.

Sending you each a hug today..and a prayer...
Réponse de Brayden
05 déc. 2012, 3 h 10

Dear Cath1, 
I want to let you know that my spirit will be with you tomorrow, your 2nd. anniversary since your mother died. I would like you to think of all the good things that you can recall from your relationship with your mother and that you will feel how blessed you have been by her. I hope that it will give you positive feelings and help you through the day. Peace
Réponse de Tian
05 déc. 2012, 3 h 46

Dear Cath1

I echo Brayden's wonderful sentiments and want to add that your relationship with your mother endures in the invaluable support you have provided to all of us on this site.

Réponse de NatR
05 déc. 2012, 3 h 53

To Cath1,

i also wish to add my thoughts along with everyone tonight.

Cath, you have consistently poured out your heart on this forum, consoling so many, sharing your gift of poetry and writing with us all.

you are in my thoughts as you remember your mom who still resides in your heart and always will.
Réponse de Cath1
05 déc. 2012, 4 h 17

Dear Brayden:

Thank you so much for your sweet and sensitive message. I needed to hear it and I thank you. It's crazy because I was watching tv and then my mind began to wander as it has been all week to thoughts of my Mom. I then got up suddenly and came to the computer to see your message waiting for me. I know it will sound totally incredulous, but I believe that your message is a message from my Mom. Somehow magically, she found a way to use you as the vessel to console me. 

I had literally just been thinking about her and how we used to talk into the wee hours - we were both night owls - and we'd talk about everything - life and death and just about anything with an element of spirituality or mystery in it. Small talk was not her way or mine. The depth of our conversations then, and now in memory, meant so much to me! She was absolutely filled with faith and I was always searching for it. I miss her so much and as I write to you I somehow feel her with me tonight, Brayden. I miss her arms around me. I miss the sound of her voice, her breathing. I miss how closely we related to one another! You are so right, I know how blessed I was to have my mother, her love!

I was thinking too how when I was young and inexperienced about loss, how I thought people seemed to conveniently only remember their loved ones after death with glowing memories. After the person died suddenly the lost loved one was a saint in memory. The loved one’s human frailties that afflict us all after death were automatically it seemed erased by grief, and that I could not understand. My Mom used to think that wasn't right either, but now I know differently.

I did not know for a long time how final death is and how painful it is to think of any sad memory of my Mom. After death, the only light bearable to shine upon her is a light of flawless revelation as the reality, in memory, of even the most innocent of differences between us, feels torturous. I remember the way my Mom used to try my patience and I hers. I remember how we laughed over the silliest things and how she thought I was the cat's meow and everything I said could make her smile, and we made each other laugh so hard and so often we would be reduced to tears, the happy kind. I remember too how angry she would become, how distant and unfamiliar to me, when she was mentally unwell and how I sometimes wished I just didn't have to face her in that frightening state for one more minute. I remember how she felt great pride in me and while I always expressed my love for her, I truly did not know until she died how very much indeed I adored her and needed her. I still do.

My Mom’s death has taught me to be kinder, more patient, more fully present in my life and with all those I love. Tenderness, sensitivity and expressiveness are among some of the qualities my Mom inherently possessed and I like to think I am like her, and that in both intangible and concrete ways through these traits that I share with her, she lives on. My heart is overflowing with love and memories of my Mom tonight. I feel the aching complexity of grief and have tried to keep moving with it, adapting to it daily as it has changed over these past two years. My Mom is the first person I have been parted from that has affected me this deeply. While my experience of grief is an evolution of emotion and I wish all my memories were simple, peaceful and beautiful, I cannot be false. Some of my memories are utterly heartbreaking, but coexisting in my heart’s recollections are the memories that evoke the exquisitely delicate essence of my mother, the woman I love most in the universe! I am a lucky person to have had an authentic, deep and loving mother who was flawed like me!

Okay so now I see as I write (you know I’m unfortunately long-winded) that Tian and NatR have left messages for me, and I just received the most touching private message from our guiding light, Colleen, so now I am crying so hard I cannot see to write more! Thank you my Virtual Hospice companions, my kindred spirits and my Angels of mercy! You will never truly know how much your support, your friendship and your depth of heart and soul matters to me. I began sharing here on this site almost a year ago and I was seriously hurting then and while I may seem like a complete mess tonight – admittedly I am – you all and so many others so often lift me up out of the darkness as you shine in my direction the light of hope and peace! My love and gratitude for you all is endless . . .

With endless affection –hugs- -xo-

Réponse de marstin
05 déc. 2012, 4 h 18

Dear Cath1,

As the second anniversary of your mom's passing approaches, I hope you feel all of the love and support from all of us here. She has left to you the legacy of being able to comfort and care for so many others. What a beautiful gift that is. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow.

Réponse de Cath1
05 déc. 2012, 4 h 57

Dear Tracie (marstin):

Thank you so much for adding your wonderful words of support to those of Brayden, Tian, NatR and Colleen. I am more than touched by all your messages! 

Please continue to write in this thread to Jane and Carolyn, Tracie as I don't want to distract from its purpose as it is so vital that you each find one another and continue your communication. This thread is all about the three of you and others in similar circumstances and it's a place dedicated to the exploration and sharing of your particular sorrows.

I so hope Carolyn and Jane will soon see your messages and will take up the conversation where it left off. You need one another and it's a beautiful thing to see you each find a safe and gentle place where others know from experience what you are going through. Of course, there will be things that each of you will feel and experience that the other may not, but you all have a lot more in common than not.

You are amazing, Tracie and I hope you know how much your heart, your voice, your experience and your perspective are needed here. You are already making a very meaningful difference to others, as are Jane and Carolyn, and I hope you too feel the support and love coming your way! You are surrounded by compassion here in our virtual community of care and the compassionate care you give to others is intrinsically valued as a precious gift by us all!  

With affection -hugs- -xo-
Réponse de PPP
05 déc. 2012, 12 h 46

Dear Cath1 and Everyone

I am thinking of you, and want to express my heartfelt thank you for your support over the past few months.  It has helped me bridge the grief I have felt over losing the love of my life.  

I hope you find comfort in our few words to you, to help you bridge the grief also.  As you go through day to day routine, the loss is there.  It still stings and sometimes it hurts more, but as you have stated, it eases with time. 

After being with Avery for 48 years ( we almost grew up together), it is hard to create a life of your own.  With my children living in different cities, I am trying to “find myself” again.  This is the turmoil I am going through.  As we can appreciate, starting anew without loved ones in our lives is painful.

I know Avery is watching over me, and has also given me signs to help me get through this heartbreak I feel.  The emptiness never goes away when I am alone.  So as Avery would have said, “Don’t be alone” and I try and live by that, but unfortunately, it’s a couples world to some extent. 

I send my sincere thank you again for all the kind words everyone has expressed.

Hugs to all



Réponse de Cath1
08 déc. 2012, 14 h 06

Good morning Jane, Tracie and Carolyn and everyone:

Thank you Jane for your sweet note! I am so happy to have been able to be here for you, to encourage you over these past several months as you grieve, just as you have been here for me and others. It is truly a privilege to share with you your journey and mine through the dark side of sorrow. I understand how difficult it is to believe that one will ever arrive at the light of hope, but we do get there, slowly yes, but surely we do arrive.

On the 2nd anniversary of my Mom's death on December 5th, I had to attend a funeral for my landlady who was the same age as my Mom and since she had no children, I used to call her my second Mom. She was a lot like me, private, independent and wholly involved in living her active life on her own terms. My daughter attended her service with me which was held in a chapel at the same cemetery where my Mom is resting. I said my teary goodbyes to her and then when the service was over, my daughter and I went to my Mom's gravesite to visit with her and to lay a Christmas arrangement on her grave. I was surprised that on this emotional day I was not crying for my Mom. It was not a forced state of strength, it was honest. I actually felt a peace and acceptance within. I know my daughter felt relieved as last year she went with me on my Mom's birthday and I was wailing without any control. It hurts others to witness our grief just as it hurts us to witness theirs. So grateful I feel this morning to know that I am getting through, getting to that lighter place where hope and peace live side by side and within me. You will get there too, Jane. Carolyn and Tracie will also and while I can't say how or when, I do believe you will all find your own way in your own time to get to that place of genuine peace and acceptance.

You've come so far already, Jane and I know you will only continue to make progress with the love and support of your children and with your Angel, Avery watching over you. I hope writing about your personal experience with sorrow allows some of its heartbreaking burden to be released. I hope Tracie and Carolyn will also find that by sharing the burden it becomes lighter and a bit easier to carry than having to carry the crushing weight of grief all alone.

For me, I think that having had for this past year the additional support of the compassionate people on this site along with the love of my family and friends has helped me find perspective I needed to carry on living with my sorrow as I was hoping to rediscover authentic joy in my life, in my heart. When I sometimes feel all is lost, someone will listen to my heart in all its sadness and confusion, just as you all did the other evening and many times before, and I am gently lifted up and away from the fog of feelings that have the power at times to overwhelm me.

I'm not saying I'm "over" my loss of my Mom. I don't think that is possible to truly get over the death of someone we love so deeply and who means so much to us, but I do believe that with understanding and support we can find a way to live with the parting of those we adore to again live well and to feel content. Death of a loved one changes us in a very real way. That kind of change I belive is inescapable, but as painful and disorienting as the change is, it brings enlightenment over time. Once we begin to adapt to our new selves and to see ourselves and our lives in a new light, we find a way to new joys and hope for the future.

My wish for you all this Christmas season as you remember your loves ones and live with your immeasurable loss, your sorrow and sense of loneliness, is that you will be surrounded by love and compassion and that you will all begin to feel hope and peace growing within your beautiful hearts in the new year. 

I hope you will all be able to connect again soon to help one another as you each find your own pathway to healing and hope and resilience. Thank you for being with me on my path. You have each helped me to grow in hope and resilience as I make my own way toward healing.

With endless affection -hugs- -xo- -hugs- -xo- -hugs- -xo- 
13 janv. 2013, 13 h 26

Dear CarrieK, PPP and Marstin,

Carolyn, Jane and Tracie I have been thinking of you and look forward to your continued sharing in 2013. 

What will this new year bring for each of you?  

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