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Réponse de Cath1
03 déc. 2012, 11 h 35

Dear SharonMarie:

Thank you for writing to tell us about CarolynMarie's Celebration of Life. Colleen speaks for us all with her loving response to you! 

I truthfully did not have words to write to you in the moment when I read your heart poured out on the page just days after you said goodbye to your sweet friend and ours. Your message touched me and I want you to know it.

This morning I awoke early and I went back to read CarolynMarie's last post and my response to her. I had waited for a few weeks to write to her in that particular thread as I wanted to give others the opportunity to connect with her as I often write - and my messages are long and detailed!:) I didn't realize that as I wrote my message to her in that thread that she was in fact then in hospital and while I don't know if she read my words, I trust that she always heard my heart and understood it no matter the space between us.

You are on my mind often, SharonMarie and I wonder how you are doing. It's only been two and a half weeks since CarolynMarie died and here we are just weeks away from Christmas - a time I know she loved! I wonder about how her family and friends, her husband and children especially, are coping as the reality of her loss settles into their souls. Please know CarolynMarie is remembered by us all with deep care and affection. We extend that care and affection to you and to all those struggling to accept her death. 

Colleen says so wisely, grief is a process. I too am going through a process of letting go and learning to accept. It is not easy as you know. The feelings of sadness live alongside the joyful memories that comfort and console us. Be well, and know you are not alone as you come to terms with your loss of CarolynMarie. We are with you and her loved ones as you miss and remember her. The love she inspired in us all is a living gift.

With affection -hugs- -xo-
23 mars 2013, 18 h 26

Dear SharonMarie,

I've been thinking about you a lot these past few days. How are you doing? How is your sister?

How is Carolyn's family doing?

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