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17 avr. 2015, 15 h 47

Wow Monica!
What an incredible tradition you've started in memory of your sister and in her spirit. I can imagine it was uplifting. You'll be able to reach back to this joy when the waves return. It's never a straight path and there will be dips, but I love the version you are carving.

How are you doing today? 

Réponse de Princess peace
18 avr. 2015, 0 h 43

Thank you Colleen,
It was very uplifting and the best thing I could have ever done to celebrate.  My mom joined the tradition (with a little coaxing from me) and bought the first ten people of our little town their soup and sandwich at their local lunch they put on for seniors.
I am already starting to think of how I can even make it better next year. 
Doing these things to celebrate and honor my sister makes this time just a little more bearable. If I can bring some light and smiles to other people that helps me too. 

One day at a time....thank you for asking.
Monica (Princess Peace)
Réponse de Harmony
27 avr. 2015, 20 h 04

Hi Monica and Community,

I am back to work today after two weeks off for bereavement after the daeth of my sister Joanne on April 11/15. Joanne passed away suddenly after a long illness and she is the second of two sistes that I have now lost. My youngest sister Lizanne died at the age of 33 years in 2006 and now Joanne has left at the age of 47.

My parents are still alive and are grieving terribly. Joanne also left behind 2 precious daughters, a husband and 2 step sons as well as a little grandson. It is a very sad time for all of us.

I am hoping that I will find some encouragement in reading through the stories of others like yourself. Both of our sisters were too young....


Réponse de KathCull_admin
28 avr. 2015, 3 h 41

Hello Harmony/Kathy
Welcome to our community. So much loss and grief in a short time. I know that you will find understanding and support on this forum. The members understand because they too have experienced the death of family and close friends.  

You are right your sisters were too young.. how can a parent make any sense of it. Seeing your parents grief and pain - that must be hard for you too. Do you have other siblings?  

Have you found going back to work helpful - or would more time away have been appreciated? 

What supports and encourages you as you grieve Kathy?


Réponse de Princess peace
28 avr. 2015, 4 h 30

Hi Harmony/ Kathy,
I am so sorry and sad that you have to go through this pain all over again.  It is so hard to understand why these things happen.  My dad has told me he asks "why" everyday but the unfortunate thing is there is never an answer. 
My parents are also having a very hard time and my mother is here for a visit right now. There is nothing I can do to make her pain go away so that is one of the hardest things for me.    
If you ever need to talk about your sister(s) or what you are going through I am here.  
We will get through this with support from each other. 
Monica (Princess Peace)

Réponse de Harmony
03 mai 2015, 13 h 31

Thank you Monica and Katherine for the nice welcome....I'm glad to have found this site and the caring community within. 
Going back to work was difficult last week as I am in a helping profession that requires a great deal of compassion to be given to others. I have to say however that both my peers and my clients were gentle and kind and that support helped me tremendously.

My sister was I'll for a very long time and she suffered greatly so for that reason...I would never wish her back. It is just hard to see the tremendous grief of her family and my parents....I don't know how they are going to get through makes me feel helpless. 

We will be interning her ashes next weekend...Mothers Day. She was a great mom and it is a fitting date.

Thank you for your support and if I can be of help to anyone here, I would love to. .....just remember to take one day at a time...

I saw a gr
Wat saying the other day and I'm trying to keep this in mind.....

If you want to feel in the past....
If you want to feel in the future....
If you want to feel fully today....

Warmest regards,
Réponse de Harmony
03 mai 2015, 13 h 32

Great saying.......
Réponse de Princess peace
12 mai 2015, 4 h 14

 Hi there,

I am wondering how everyone is doing?

Réponse de Marks sister
12 mai 2015, 11 h 07

Hanging in there Monica, How about you?
It's been almost two months since my brother Mark passed away...some days are easier than others.  I miss him most on Sundays-he used to call and say "It's call your sisters Sunday, I just wanted to say I love you" and knowing that there will never be a call your sister Sunday again is just hard to take.
Réponse de MsKBK
13 mai 2015, 2 h 40

Hi to all. I'm new here. I lost my sister to leukaemia 6 months ago. Last month was her birthday. She would have ben 41. We 'celebrated' by setting her free (we released her ashes). Sometimes I think I'm doing fine, but other times it still feels far too fresh. My sister-in-law has encouraged me to get grief counselling, but I live in the boonies where such things are not easily available, which is what brings me here. Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry for all of your losses, and unfortunately, you are not alone!

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