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Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 mars 2016, 5 h 18

Hello everyone,
I wanted to let you know that a new member, marymoo24 started the thread I don't know how to "do" this  earlier this evening. Her last living family member was diagnosed with a terminal cancer and it feels like a nightmare to her. 

Could I ask you to consider responding to her post please - it means so much coming from those who understand.

Thanks very much for thinking about it.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
11 avr. 2016, 19 h 30

Princess peace, just reading through this thread again and see that it is Darcy's birthday on the 15th. Wondering how you are doing this year.

Réponse de Princess peace
17 avr. 2016, 16 h 00

Hi there, so nice you mentioned that.  I had a big crying purge the night before so I could be ready for the 15th.  I bought some gifts, my good friend and I  went for lunch, bought three pieces of cake and hiked up the mountain to eat cake at the top.  I handed out gifts to strangers and it was very incredible.  I witnessed the human connection of heart and soul.  I met a lady whose sister died just two weeks ago and also a lady in my neighbourhood (who I have never met) who lost her son last year on his wedding day.  I shared lots of hugs with people and this will be a tradition for me every April 15 to honor Darcy Kat.  It was a beautiful day. 
Réponse de NatR
17 avr. 2016, 17 h 32

Princess Peace
thats a beautiful update
so glad you shared it

natR 🌷 
Réponse de KathCull_admin
05 mai 2016, 14 h 10

Hello everyone,
I wanted to let you know that a new member The twin brother posted to  Scared and lonely. His sister was recently diagnosed with cancer and he wants to be strong, but.....he is afraid of losing her like he lost his brother. 

Could I ask you to consider responding to his post?
Thanks very much for thinking about it.

Réponse de Carlyn
17 mai 2016, 5 h 11

Princess Peace, thank you for sharing and updating us. That does sound like a remarkable and beautiful day. I'm so glad you had those experiences and met kindred souls at the same time. 

I experienced a bit of that, kindred souls of strangers also in recent grief or loss, and it felt like our loved ones got together and put us in procximity so we'd have comfort that day in our respective phases of healing and adjustment. I share this in case it felt that way for you a bit.

Regardless, what a wonderful way to spend the day remembering. Sending love and peace to you.

Katharine, thanks so much for checking in with Princess Peace and alerting us to the other threads. I will go look now. Thanks for all your dedication here keeping us all on top of things. It helps a lot. I've been too remiss getting here of late so I just wanted to mention thanks to you.

Réponse de Earla Dawn
16 mars 2020, 12 h 53

I am wondering if there are siblings who replied here, if they found an adult sibling grief support group where they live. 
Earla Dawn 
01 avr. 2020, 15 h 51

Hello Earla Dawn
Sorry about the delay in responding to your question. I am checking into this right now and will get back to you as soon as I can.

What supports have you found have helped you where you are?


01 avr. 2020, 19 h 20

Hi again,Earla Dawn I have not been able to locate any online sibling grief support groups. Would you be interested in supports in your area? If you would like to mention what area of the country you live in maybe I can help.
Réponse de Earla Dawn
01 avr. 2020, 19 h 41

Yes I would be interested. I live in Harrison HOt Springs, BC, 1/2 hour east of Chilliwack.In that city there is a hospice that runs programs but, well you now how it is...tight budget, limited staff.  I created and was given the go-ahead to do a sibling grief workshop surrounding creativity but that's on hold. I have used Facebook groups to connect with other siblings. Last night i connected in a Zoom meet up with a group that is based in New York City.   I don't think i mentioned that I am gathering adult sibling grief resources for a book I am co-writing with another sibling. As I have found peer support to be the most effective with helping me be resilient, that and creatively, i was hoping to find a peer sibling grief support group.


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