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Réponse de Princess peace
27 nov. 2015, 0 h 35

I must share with you some joy I experienced today.  My dad and sister were always the "horse" lovers and I grew up having horses around.  I was always afraid of them because I lost the reins when I was little and it scared me.  I faced my fears today and will be "horse" sitting for a friend so I went and worked with the animals and let go of my fears.  It felt really good and I know my sister would have been so proud.  I also realized how healing animals are.  There are also dogs at the farm and it was really nice.  Just wanted to share.....
Réponse de Carlyn
27 nov. 2015, 0 h 46

Princess Peace, this sounds wonderful. Animals are wonderful. I'm so happy for you that you did this today. 

Also WAY TO GO!! Facing your fear is no small thing. It's thrilling a bit it sounds like :-)

Réponse de KathCull_admin
08 janv. 2016, 22 h 03

Princess peace and Carlyn, I agree spending time with animals can be so healing. We have a little dog Lola Mai - and yes she is just like her name:) It's lovely to have that presence. And for you to be able to be outside working with the horse Princess peace - the outdoors is another bonus.

JennJilks - wise words - breathe.....sometimes that is all we can do. 

Thinking about you Ames and hoping there were pockets of peace and rest in the past few weeks. I imagine it was a busy time with the children. Were there things that helped you get through?

Take care all
Réponse de ames
10 janv. 2016, 18 h 09

Hello, everyone!

Over the last few weeks things have gotten......well, not easier but I guess I am coping a little bit better. This christmas was good Katherine, we actually drove out of province to spend Christmas with my in laws and that helped keeping the mind off things for a couple days. My son (almost 7) is still having a very hard time with it all as he had a special relationship with my sister so we are still working hard with him. But I must share a story.  OWLS!! I have always thought owls were pretty but other than that I never seen around. But, over the last month they have been popping up every where around me. There has been a snow owl around my city. My parents were inches away from it. It was showing up in the highway traffic cameras. A friend who is a photographer took many pictures of it also. Everytime I go on social media there is another owl. I go to the stores and there is owls everywhere!. 2 of my girls wanted new stuff is for their room and they both picked out 2 foot tall owls. A man moved in just down the road from me and he does woodwork and what is all over his lawn? OWLS! This may be a coincidence but it gives peace to us to think it's my beautiful sister Crystal letting us know she is still aound us :)

Day by day
Réponse de JennJilks
10 janv. 2016, 18 h 15

That's lovely! For me, it was tape measures from my dad. Not so much as nice as owls!!!
You are on the upturn. Give yourself time! 
Réponse de Carlyn
10 janv. 2016, 22 h 39

Hi Everyone,

Some believe animals can be symbolic. I share that at times, when it helps to feel better.  OWLS are amazing. I'm so happy you're having this experience Ames. In other cultures they have different meanings but I focus on the main one, which is that Owls symbolize wisdom and protection primarily. I also think they're a sign from your sister and it's wonderful all the owls you're noticing :-)

I agree with JennJilks too, you're on the upturn. Getting through the first weeks is the hardest I think. It's so nice to hear from each of you how you're doing. Thanks so much Katherine for keeping us moving through the holidays. I was thinking of you as well and hoped you were getting through ok. 

I'm keeping good thoughts for everyone.


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