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Réponse de dorms
03 juin 2016, 22 h 07

Dear RD-Im so sorry for your loss. I have the 11th month anniversary coming up since my husbands been gone. Its a long lonely road & some days are brutal but we seem to get thru them. One day at a time. I've chosen to remain in my home for now & like you I've had to learn to do a lot of things I never ever considered I'd have to do. Some decisions are hard to make but so far so good. My husbands birthday is next week so this will be another hurdle to get thru. A couple weeks ago it would have been our 54th anniversary. I had friends around me that week-end so it didn't seem to hurt as much. It seems the firsts of these things are the hardest to get thru. I miss him so much. I wish you all the best. And remember, One Day At A Time. 



Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 juin 2016, 4 h 29

The stories of 'firsts' reminded me of a story posted on 'Your Stories' called First Wedding Anniversary.

Do you find telling the stories helps as you remember and go through 'firsts'?

Réponse de Stardust
21 août 2016, 14 h 54

I too am in the process of figuring out who I am solo. After 36 years together most of our friends were couples. While they have been great it just is not the same. Life goes on and I am envious of the time they have together. I find myself picking out older couples sharing coffee or a walk together and wish it were me. During our married life I had my own friends too but my priority was always my family. I was never interested in "girls" holidays or weekends. Music helps. I read a lot and have tried meditation. I just have trouble concentrating right now. My daughter has been terrific but she is grieving too. I want her to have the life of a normal 24 year old. Of course, there is always the company of my two kittens.  Amazing how animals can be so in tune to your emotions. They knew when my husband was sick and know he is missing now. It is hard but try to look for the good things in life. Take advantage of opportunities even when you don't really feel like it. This summer I forced myself to play golf on ladies night and was really glad I did. Even when I expected to come home and share my score or some other news and no one was there. 
Réponse de linda*
23 août 2016, 14 h 18

I've been a loner. 

from my perspective, your grieving is like a tribute to the relationships you shared.

I admire how well you're all doing.  


it's hard but everything changes. 



Réponse de KathCull_admin
03 mars 2017, 18 h 04

Hello everyone, 
It's been some time since I posted to this thread. August is not that long but so much can happen in our lives in just a few short moments.

A member LostNakedAndAfraid started the thread How do you know "when"? earlier today.  There is much collective wisdom here and I would like to ask you to consider responding to her post - if you are able.

Thanks for considering.

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