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Réponse de CarolynMarie
29 avr. 2012, 3 h 35

Thank you so much Cath1 & Tian!  i was looking forward to your thoughts and you never let me down.  My tears are flowing now, but I must get to bed.  Thank you for your wisdom, thoughts and super kind words.  
love always,
Réponse de Cath1
29 avr. 2012, 3 h 53

Sleep well CarolynMarie knowing you are very much loved and always admired. Let your fears be cushioned by your dreams and let your dreams lift you to clouds of renewal. Sleep is a blessing and you need and deserve all the blessings the world has to offer.

Never forget what a blessing you are to me . . . to us all. Goodnight dear CarolynMarie. Sweet dreams.
Réponse de Jimmie
02 mai 2012, 12 h 09


There have been times in my own illness when I found myself exhausted both physically and emotionally.  I was empty and incapable of dealing with any issue large or small, silly or significant. Everything was a struggle, an exhausting struggle; and the issues that arose, at times dramatically,  within my family around my illness, added to my exhaustion. I wanted to address those issues. I wanted to resolve them.  I wanted  to somehow brush them away so that I could rest, could rest, could rest.  And it broke me over and over again to realize that such easy resolutions were the stuff of Hollywood, that this communal suffering was part and parcel of the illness we were all enduring, all suffering, and the only way out was through - for all of us.

It was at such times of confusion, pain, anxiety, and exhaustion that I needed to be held, and my kids needed to be held.  No Hollywood stuff here.  No magic.  No marvellously scripted and eloquent words.  It is all too complex and lonely and fear riddled for such simplistic solutions.  I simply needed to be held and to collapse into the arms of those who held me - to give up, for at least a moment, all of my responsibilities, all of my hopes that I might somehow be able to dispel the grief of my children.  I simply could not do so.  It doesn't work that way, and the hope that I could do so, the struggle to do so, only added to my exhaustion. The best that I could do was to hold them, and just as importantly - to ask them, to deliberately ask them to hold me so that they were not alone, and I was not alone, and they could feel that, as could I.   

Words have power to clarify and comfort, but being held by those who love us, and holding the ones we love goes deeper, and resonates longer than even the most eloquent of words.  I hope you will have such moments today and tomorrow and tomorrow again.  I hope in such moments you will find rest and consolation and strength; and I wish the same for your family.

With affection -


Réponse de CarolynMarie
03 mai 2012, 3 h 36

Oh Jim,
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom! Thank you for the reassurance that the only way out is through! Thank you for reminding me about the importance and validity of holding andbeing held!    Tonight my daughter and I hugged and held each other and it felt so great!  Jim, I lovewhatyou wrote!  It makes so much sense to me!  You are a true gem!  I am so grateful to know you and feel your connection.  My sweet hubby is snoring beside me, so I will sign off for now!
Hugs & love,
Réponse de Cath1
15 mai 2012, 15 h 45

Hi Carolyn:

I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and especially this past weekend as we celebrated Mother's Day.

I hope you were properly pampered as you are one of the best Moms I "know" and I'm sure your kids will affirm!:-)

Looking forward to your next update and please know you remain in my thoughts every day and my prayers every night.

Hugs xo

Cath1 (formerly VHcath) 
Réponse de Cath1
15 mai 2012, 15 h 46

ooops! Sorry, I left off the last part of your name CarolynMarie in my message above!

Réponse de Jimmie
05 juin 2012, 19 h 22


It's been some time since we last connected.  I certainly don't want to intrude, but if you have a moment and are so inclined, drop me a line or two and let me know how you are doing.

Sarah and I are enduring a typical Nova Scotia spring - a few spectacular days followed by a dozen disappointingly cold and wet ones.  Nevertheless, the trees are in full leaf and the birds are flying frenetically about taking care of their domestic duties.  I like the tail end of this season, though I much prefer the fall. The gods got that one right having apparently quarrelled over the nature of the other three.

I am wondering if you might have the energy to tell me a little bit about yourself and your family. I'd certainly enjoy that kind of "conversation" if you think you would as well.  

Give me a shout when and if you feel like doing so.

Take care

Réponse de CarolynMarie
09 juin 2012, 16 h 23

Hi Cath1 & Jim!
Sorry I have been pretty absent here.  I just don't know where the time is going!  I was away for a week in NB but otherwise, I guess I have just been consumed by my kids activities and life in general.  My sister is here visiting us too with her 6 month old baby and they ended up spending 2 nights in McMaster Hospital as my wee nephew was struggling to breathe with a bronchial infection but thanksfully they are out of the hospital now, but fly home to NB tomorrow.  Didn't get quite as many snuggles in as I would have hoped but at least we got some!  

Having some great friends over for a lobster dinner tonight, so I am just hoping my energy will pick up to prep the salads, and appetisers.  Thanksfully my hubby is home and is doing the huge bulk of the work.  Perhaps I will take an additional Dexamethasone to boost my energy.  

I went through a really rough patch of pain a couple of weeks ago, and have since had 5 radiation treatments again to my left hip area and now the pain is at bay again, although I am still cautiously taking 100ml of morphone a day - min.  Just don't want that pain to break through!  I have had to use my cane a couple of days, during the beginning of radiation, but things are much better now!  

Just wanted to check in with you lovely people and see how you are doing too.  Thanks as always for your sweet support and your wisdom and kindness.  You mean a lot to me!  Talk soon!
Love always,
Carolyn xoxo
Réponse de Cath1
09 juin 2012, 16 h 52

Hi CarolynMarie!

Thank you for updating us with your news. It's wonderful that you had a visit with your sister and her baby. Glad to know the baby is doing better! It's so scary when they're little and get sick.

You are amazing as always! I am wishing that your pain stays far far away! Enjoy your lobsterfest tonight!:-)

As always, you and yours remain in my heart and my prayers. 

With affection,
Réponse de Tian
09 juin 2012, 18 h 43

Dear CarolynMarie

Being consumed by your kids' activities and life in general sounds good. And if the radiation treatments led to pain relief then they were well worth it. Do whatever makes you feel better whether that means large doses of morphine or lobster.

And Jimmie I hope you are managing well.


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