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Réponse de Wingman
25 févr. 2016, 20 h 57

"When bestride her I soar, I am a hawk.
She trots the air, the earth sings when she touches it"



Ah yes, my refuge is a pony. She is my peace.


Réponse de linda*
26 févr. 2016, 0 h 00

interesting.   I'm an animal lover who grew up in town.  I've never known any horses, or ponies.  they seem quite intelligent.   I have great admiration for people who can control such big animals. 
I take it you ride?
Réponse de Wingman
28 févr. 2016, 14 h 10

Hi Linda*
Yes, I do ride. I have ridden for quite some time now- I competed with my pony for the last few years. My friend who has cancer also rides- I met her at our barn and we became fast friends. She is still riding a couple days a week but the effects of her current treatment does hinder her ability now. My pony has become my absolute sanctuary- to the point last year whereby I had trouble riding if anyone was watching- I felt as though they were infringing on my privacy and I was resentful.

Just yesterday I did ride with a group, and a woman complemented me on how lovely my pony was.....and so I smile:)


It is a warmer day here and it is reminiscent of spring- I feel it in the air. 

Perhaps some plants will be starting to poke through your gardrens and your music will sing outside your windows.

Réponse de linda*
28 févr. 2016, 19 h 22

you're a fortunate man, wingman.
friends, refuge and a positive outlook.
Réponse de Wingman
29 févr. 2016, 19 h 25

I am actually wing woman. Hee hee. Didn't consider the gender orientation when I chose my name. I chose it for the meaning of the word. When my friend was diag osed I told her I would be her wingman.

I am fortunate that she keeps an inspiring outlook and I am able to take my cues from her.


Yes, when the world is in balance, I do count my blessings.

Thanks liinda*

Réponse de Carlyn
05 mars 2016, 19 h 46

Popping in to say hello and share that I have been thinking of you all. 

Linda*, I was saddened to read that 2 of 3 people you told distanced. And then I recalled how many times i've experienced that while a loved one was suffering and then read your next words - I want to offer a Way To Go to you :-)  I appreciate you sharing how you're coping and not letting anyone lessen or distract from your time. This is your time. It's inspiring to read your thoughts and coping inspirations.  It sounds natural and healthy and even creative which is a kind of wonderful. So the one person who has not distanced, how is that going? Also I'm very glad you have them. 

I move the last week of March. It's a good thing as the more time I have to wait, and pack, and ponder what to pack when, I keep giving things away. The movers have quoted me a fee but I'm wondering how much will actually remain to physically move. It has taken nearly 10 years to get to this point in grief and i've done the donating and discarding in stages over the years. Now, I seem to be in a place of not wanting to keep hardly anything. It feels completely right though and i'm happy about it all.

Anyway, Wingman, I appreciate your journey with your friend and sharing your stories. Your friendship sounds remarkable and really good. I am sorry your friend is sick. 

Linda*, I was thinking of you when I was sorting through some parental belongings...your plan to leave yours for your kids. I think whatever you want to do is the right thing. It all works out as it's supposed to, is what it feels like to me anyhow. Sometimes things aren't for us to handle, it's for us to leave for someone we love to learn and grow later on. That's as much sense as I can make of it so far. It feels good, it's ok. 

i'm not sure how to phrase this next but wondering how the week ahead looks and feels for all of you? I'm keeping you all in my thoughts. 


Réponse de linda*
15 mars 2016, 21 h 18

hi carlyn.  
I like what you said 'whatever you want to do is the right thing. It all works out as it's supposed to.'

sometimes it's tempting to try to influence how it works out.  I guess that's an ego thing. have you discovered any old treasures as you ready for your big move?


Katherine:   about the choir you joined.  how fun!  what kind of music are you singing?  I believe everyone can sing.  and you're right, it's so therapeutic at so many levels.  SING FOR THE BRAIN. I'd like to sing in a choir again.  aside from the enjoyment of singing, there's also the joy of blending voices.

I went to the personal care home here this afternoon and played for a nice hymn -sing.  I choose low keys so people aren't afraid to join in and I mostly choose hymns that have a refrain of some  sort so people can sing along even if they don't know it.


of the three people I shared with, one was a friend suffering seriously from COPD and at the time, sharing seemed right.   the second was the minister at the church where I played for services.  surprise.  the third,  my stand-by friend, is having a hard time in her own life.   I am aware of adding another layer of stress on her . . .

I have another long-term stand-by friend who has been stricken with some sort of sudden onset dementia.  she doesn't know who she is


Réponse de linda*
15 mars 2016, 21 h 20

I've no idea how I achieved such large print.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
15 mars 2016, 21 h 24

Magic fingers of the moderator:)
Réponse de MelissaAnn
16 mars 2016, 7 h 33

I've been depressed and haven't viewed the recent posts and after reading your messages it uplifted me now I remember why I joined your wonderful souls thank you everyone for motivating my soul to be a good mommy wife and daughter sister and to enjoy my huge loving family thank you Melissa 

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