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Réponse de linda*
26 mai 2016, 18 h 45

 Thursday.  May 26th.  May will soon be June. half way thru the year.

about the seven veils between now and death, (the ones I made up):

I've passed thru three now -

1) the start of regular pain medication. everything slowed down a bit.

2) the paperwork for a planned home death.  that was hard to get used to, seeing it in black & white.  I was a bit weepy for a while after that. 

3) the solidification of my breast.  I once heard a comedienne describe her bra size as 36 long.  that's changed.

so now the fourth veil coming up.

the physician today suggested an upgrade in the dosage of regular medication.   that's gotta count as another veil.  I think.
anyway, still feeling good.   
Réponse de KathCull_admin
26 mai 2016, 23 h 08

I feel very privileged to hear how your life is unfolding linda* as you pass through the veils. I am glad you are still feeling good. Does the upgrade in medication have to do with pain or......

I have downsized my outdoor planting to flowers (and one tomato plant) in planters and pots. Although it would be nice to have sun - the rain is helping grow the plants.

A few months ago you mentioned it was not easy that balancing act between The Cry and The Laugh. holding on to what makes us feel good and comparisons to what might have been and what is. How do you manage the balancing as you pass through the veils? 

Take care

Réponse de linda*
30 mai 2016, 14 h 17

yes, the seven veils.

I think I'm at the fourth veil, higher dosage morphine. 

I'm reluctant to pass thru this one.

once I'm thru a veil, there's no going back.

things are a bit out of balance right now.
I could use a good laugh. 

Réponse de KathCull_admin
30 mai 2016, 17 h 32

Some time ago, Oldbat (also referred to in some places as Oldbag:) started the thread 
Silly things that help us survive I think you might find the humour you are looking for linda* 

Do you think the imbalance might in part be due to discomfort/pain or other symptoms which the increase in medication may improve? Have you had a chance to talk to your healthcare provider about your reluctance?

But here is some humour to get you started:

Why are you IN a movie, but you are ON TV?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does s/he call?

I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I HAD any loose- fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place! 

Until next time linda*
Réponse de Carlyn
30 mai 2016, 18 h 29

Linda* and Katherine, you two have beautiful, peaceful conversations, even with laughs.

Linda*, you're in my thoughts. You're not alone. I like your seven veils idea and believe i've witnessed this passage a few times so want to say you're safe. 

Réponse de linda*
01 juin 2016, 0 h 14

"Do you think the imbalance might in part be due to discomfort/pain or other symptoms which the increase in medication may improve?" 


yes, now that I think of it.


this fourth veil is heavy.


thanks for the support.


Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 juin 2016, 4 h 35

The veils seem to have been more frequently linda*. I think of you often and hope you are safe.


Réponse de linda*
13 juin 2016, 0 h 46

 the fourth veil is behind. 

I had a brief hospital stay for rehydratiion and subsequently found myself with a palliative team which will meet sometime in the not too distant future.

and my son & his wife & daughters have been here for a most pleasant visit.

life is good.

Réponse de Carlyn
13 juin 2016, 16 h 18

Hi *Linda, 

It's always nice to hear from you. You seem relaxed and happy with care you're receiving. It's helpful to know you're in good care.

Your spirit is wonderful ... "Life is good" I'm glad your family has visited too. 

Ok, I'll admit i'm relieved a palliative team is in place for you. 

Just know i'm keeping you in my thoughts. No reply needed. It's a privilege to hear from you whenever you're up to it or feel like writing here. 

Réponse de linda*
19 juin 2016, 0 h 52

 hello again.

that fourth veil was a humdinger.

so now I'm  figuring out where I am between veils, where I am  in terms of medication, energy, comfort, whatever.

I've been enjoying visits with family, still feeling good . . .

and I must say I really like reading your messages,  descriptions,  tips  and tales.


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