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Réponse de NatR
30 janv. 2012, 14 h 10

Hi Sherri,
Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts today.
Drop a note anytime you feel like talking.  Hope that today has sunshine and a big cup of coffee in it!
Take care, Nat 
Réponse de SherriT
31 janv. 2012, 12 h 24

Well,my mom had to go for a blood test yesterday and they were quite concerned about the bad cold she has.  They hydrated her and gave her strong antibiotics.  They cancelled her appt for today.  She saw a Dr and she thinks he told her her scans looked Ok.  They are talking about giving her a break from chemo, which she obviously needs.  She sounded stoned on the phone, I guess very tired and drugged!  So we wait for now.
Réponse de NatR
31 janv. 2012, 14 h 16

Good morning Sherri,
So some news, and more waiting...very hard when you are the one not right there.  Hopefully giving your Mom a break from the chemo will give her a chance to get stronger and feel a bit better.

I am glad you posted the update.  I will be keeping an eye on the discussion thread and offering you what I can in support.  We all make the load lighter by sharing, getting feelings out, pats on the back when you feel like you arent doing enough but others tell are!

Have you sent her any mail? like cards? even a hand made one - I am thinking of your daughter..who is at an age where she might want to create a kind of vision board? in a card?  Just thinking out loud here..but you know...just a message of love and encouragement that will surprise your mom and lift her spirits...something she can stick on the fridge door or by her bed and be reminded of you often...that you care, that you think of her and love her.   Anyway...I have a little vision board on my fridge, and it reminds me to have hope, to dream, to have goals, to take time to remember how many good things I have in my life.

Your mom is going to appreciate any and all things you do...I know you have already done a lot.  So this is just coming from my idea corner, not should do corner;)

I am taking two hours for myself I have just spent two days caring for my little granddaughter who wasnt well.  That was hard on me - and now..its time to breathe fresh air, meet a friend, have her tell me I can do no more than I am doing...and that will ease my guilt.

Hope this note helps you feel a bit better too - to know that many of us understand your feelings and your need to be there.
Best wishes, and a smile sent your way,
Réponse de SherriT
31 janv. 2012, 22 h 09

Thank you so much for your support!  I like your ideas about cards etc.  I know she appreciates things like that.  She is still sounding awful today and I hope it doesn't turn into pneumonia.  I told her not to even think about decisions about chemo right now.  I feel Ok.  My work keeps me busy.  Ironically I am a Social Worker/ case manager with CCAC, home care, here in Ottawa.  So I deal with this kind of stuff alot although my clients tend to have dementia and I don't do much palliative.  
I now have a new appreciation for the families I work with!  Good for you, taking time out today.
Thanks again Nat! 
Réponse de NatR
31 janv. 2012, 23 h 02

small world Sherri - I care for my granddaughter who has a rare genetic disorder and gets services from community care agencies. We r waiting for a permanent placement. A big adjustment for me.
No wonder you feel so strongly about your mom - it's that extra caring in your personality - and it's hard to go to work, take care of family members - meanwhile wondering about your mom and her care.

I hope she doesn't end up with pneumonia - it's a possibility I guess - let's hope she is able to gain some strength and keep as well as she can - despite her health problems.

I did enjoy being out today with adult company for a while. We all need distraction, and being "off duty"
I wish you a good evening - I have a few hours tonite to myself and back on duty tomorrow! It's not a job however - you can't put a price on love - I know you understand:)
Have a good nite,
01 févr. 2012, 3 h 12

Hi NatR and SherriT,

I love the idea of a vision board. NatR, you might consider adding this idea to the Helpful Ideas forum.  

Would the 2 of you mind if I moved your conversation from the "Come Introduce Yourself" thread to a new thread? Perhaps we could call it something like "Caring from afar"? Do you have any other title suggestions?
Réponse de NatR
01 févr. 2012, 14 h 47

I have no problem if you want to move the conversation.  How about Long Distance Caregiving Challenges? Too long?  I actually like yours!

Have a good day all,
Réponse de SherriT
01 févr. 2012, 16 h 33

I don't mind you moving it either.  Makes sense as there Re special considerations when caring from afar.
02 févr. 2012, 13 h 37

Hi Sherri and Nat,

How are you both doing this morning. I moved the thread successfully, using your title suggestion Nat. I thought it would much more descriptive. Also, thank you for starting Ideas to Cheer up faraway/sick friends,relatives in the Helpful Ideas forum. 
Réponse de NatR
06 févr. 2012, 0 h 18

Hi Sherri, wondering how your week has gone. Hope that things havent been too stressful for you.  How is your mom doing?  Has your dad changed his stance on things?  Sure hope that he does - to help both you and your mom right now when you need him to be supportive.

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