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Réponse de NatR
24 mai 2012, 13 h 54

Hello SherriT,

Wondering how things are going with you and your family.  How are things with your Mom?  I certainly hope that she is hanging in there and staying on the plateau that you last mentioned.

I am sending you best wishes and hoping that your load is manageable this week.  Remember to drop a line whenever you feel like it...there are people who care and will answer.

Réponse de SherriT
25 mai 2012, 1 h 20

Hi, Nat!  Thanks for checking in!  My Mom is about the same.  She had a scan and bloodwork recently and does still have a spot on her lung.  The oncologist doesn't want to do any more chemo and just wants to monitor her in 3 months.  But today she saw the surgeonnw removed the tumours from her other lung last year and he gave her the option of operating now or waiting until her next scans in August and then operating.He said that would be the last operation because of her age.  I am frankly shocked that they are even considering operating again at her age, as it will just keep coming back.  But my mom will go along with whatever the Drs tell her.  She chose to wait til August, thankfully.  So that's the latest.  My dad continues to refuse to move to a retirement home!
Hope you are doing well! 
Réponse de SherriT
08 avr. 2013, 20 h 34

I haven't written in almost a year!  My mom has metastatic colon cancer and she is in Wpg and I am in ottawa. I had been getting great support from Nat R. Not sure if you are still around Nat!  My Mom has been having yet more chemo but was told today it isn't working. Her lung tumours are growing. They want to try Cetuximab, which is an experimental drug. She is very upset of course. I struggle with being far away. My only sister lives in Vancouver. I am worried about how she and my dad will manage as thwon live in their own home and my dad cannot do anything in the way of caregiving. 
Thanks for listening.  
Réponse de NatR
08 avr. 2013, 21 h 03

Dear SherriT,

thanks for the update, it's true many months have gone by, and I wondered how things were going for you and your parents.

i am sorry it is sad news that you write.  Can you go to where your parents are - and get some home care support set up for them, or at least talk to your Moms doctor and find out whaat referrals he can give you for community care?

there has to be someone who can come in for your mom and ease your worries

When you and your sister live far away - you need to have some reassurance afor have your mom in comfort.

i hope you will let us know what transpires and i am glad you have returned to drop a line.
Regardless of the time in between someone is always listening

Sending you best wishes,

Réponse de SherriT
08 avr. 2013, 21 h 09

Thanks Nat,
my sister may visit soon. I have a pretty good understanding of the services there and will reach out when it is time.  Once they stop treatment, she will be referred to palliative care Home care and will have a coordinator I can deal with. If necessary we will supplement that with a private agency that could monitor her.   eventually she will have to go to a palliative care center.
Trying to take it one day at a time.
08 avr. 2013, 21 h 10

Just popping in to say Welcome back SherriT! There are always people here to support you and NatR is one of the quickest and loyalist. Thanks for responding right away NatR.

I have to run right now, but when I get back I'll review this thread, see what has been suggested in the past regarding supports in Winnipeg and see if I can offer additional resources to investigate. As Nat says, we're listening that part we can guarantee!
09 avr. 2013, 1 h 44

Hi SherriT,

 I'm glad to hear that you are well informed of the services available to your parents. I'll also point out that you can use our confidential Ask a Professional service if you would like to ask our team anything at all. Many of our palliative experts work in Winnipeg and will be quite familiar with the services there. Don't hesitate to reach out to them for information.

I also love the message Tracie (aka marstin) wrote on another thread here. She said:

"Someone told me the other day to view what's ahead like a car travelling in the dark. What you need to see is what is revealed in what the headlights show you. Don't try to see what is in the darkness, it will reveal itself when you get there." 

A piece of wisdom, I shall try to put into practice more often.
Réponse de SherriT
09 avr. 2013, 14 h 38

Thanks, Colleen-I love that!  I also believe that God provides a light to our feet-for the next step-one at a time.  I am trying to trust that He has it all worked out.
I did send a message to Ask a Professional.  Thanks for recommending that.  It really helps to have the support.
26 avr. 2013, 12 h 29

Hi SherriT,

How are your doing? Any updates to share?
Thinking of you.
Réponse de SherriT
26 avr. 2013, 12 h 34

I am doing Ok, thanks.  My Mom started her new chemo regime last week and seems to be handling it ok so far.  She is a trouper.  I made a referral for a Hospice volunteer and she has been matched with a woman who even knows some of our extended family, which is nice. Otherwise, things are holding steady for now.
thanks so much for caring! 

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