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Réponse de Cath1
06 avr. 2012, 18 h 10

Hi again Carriek:

I hope you are not having posting trouble again. You don't need that right now. Until you are able to post again, I hope you will be able to access the site to read our messages to you.

Please know that as a mother, and grandmother, I can well relate to part of the fear you are experiencing. My goodness, you are a Mom with young children and your family is precious to you! The almost impossible task of having to even think of your life and theirs without you husband and their Dad must be among the worst things anyone is faced with, I imagine. The responsibility you are carrying must feel enormously heavy. You are doing it though, and I hope that even in the face of your immense sadness that is made to feel harsher with the added burden of fear, you will realize how amazing it is that you are getting through each day as you are. Your husband and kids know what a fiercely protective wife and mother you are and it must be exhausting to try and keep positive for them as you feel your heart and theirs breaking a little more each day.

Please don't expect perfection from yourself as it is perfectly understandable that you are feeling overwhelmed by it all. Five months is not a long time to accept such difficult and life changing news. Your family is going through so much right now and the burden of strength falls to you. Please know you are never alone in your feelings - never. We are here for you. In the midst of all the uncertainty of your life in these past few months, please trust that you will with support find a way to cope and to find comfort in some measure. I believe we are all much more capable of dealing with life than we ever fully appreciate, though sometimes life's challenges no doubt make us seriously question ourselves and our abilities to handle it, we do. You leave me awestruck by the sheer sweetness of your hurting soul.


Réponse de Tian
06 avr. 2012, 19 h 23

Carriek, you were finally able to post and I'm sure you'll be able to again. Cath1 spelled out a great way to deal with posting issues. Would that all your other problems could be dealt with as straightforwardly. You and Caron share a horrible situation which is beyond my experience. But we've all experienced helplessness. Life can slap you in the face and say "take that, deal with this inescapable outcome." You cannot avoid the inevitable but that is not to say that all you can do is just wait for it. Your husband needs you now more than ever, as do your children. But you need their support too. Extending what Cath1 said, I think the greater the challenge the more we surprise ourselves in finding strength that we didn't realize we have. I think it has taken strength on your part to reach out to our community. We'll do what we can here to try to ease your massive burden. 
Réponse de Caron
06 avr. 2012, 20 h 13

Hi Carriek,

I am so very sorry to hear that your dear husband also has the same cancer as mine.  I too am going through times of sadness, loneliness and fear of what the future holds for both my husband and I .  My husband was diagnosed 7 months ago and his cancer is in the lung, liver and hips.  We just got the news yesterday that the cancer has continued to grow in the lungs.  On Monday he goes for a bone scan to see why he is having trouble walking.  

As well my husbands cancer did not respond to the chemo or radiation, and it leaves one feeling really at a loss as to what to do.  Ii am very thankful that I have family and friends that are praying for him, that the  Lord would heal him.  I as well will be praying  for your husband and you and your family.   

06 avr. 2012, 20 h 51

Welcome Caron and CarrieK. 
Thank you for sharing your stories so openly. I'm glad you found each other so quickly.  

Cath1 and Tian, thank you not only for welcoming Caron and Carrie and offering your support, but also for providing technical help. You both are such fantastic community stalwarts.

Should anyone have any technical issues, please email me at colleen [@] 
My thoughts are with all of you.
Réponse de Carriek
06 avr. 2012, 21 h 56

Thanks Cath1, just knowing someone is there is a relief. Im afraid, of how much time we have... as no one has said. In the last month after chemo and rads his tumour in liver grew from 2 cms to 7 cms, thats scary.
I have always been in total control of my Im in a whirlwind that enables me no control. and living a pretend life around my husband, as he doesnt want to know. He thinks I should be working all day, and yet Im frozen with grief, fear, sadness and the unknown.
We were married 2 months after he was diagnosed in October this year. My heart is broken and still in shock and somewhat denial.... not sure when or if that ever stops.

Réponse de Carriek
06 avr. 2012, 22 h 11

Dear Caron, thanks so much for your reply...
I didnt realize that I had to skip to next page, so please be patient with my lack of knowledge of this site.
Im so so so sorry that your husband is having a hard time walking...
I left some of my husbands spots out (dont know how as I live it, breath it, dream it....)
both lungs, lymph nodes, liver, left hip, left thigh, femer, left shoulder blade, neck, spine and brain.   
He was diagnosed October 25th... finished chemo, and finished rads 4 weeks ago and just had ct scan and bone scan, to be told its growing... new lesions on lungs, and liver has grown from 2 cms to 7 cms in one month.
we go to see the Oncologist on the 11th.... so very scared. The twins (daughters 13 yrs old) have asked to be there at this Dr visit. 
Please tell me how old your husband is.... mine is 46 (far too young)
we thought we had the rest of forever together.
and yes the responsibility is far too over whelming.. Im trying to keep strong, for him and my girls.   
Caron do you come on this site often, mu husband goes to sleep very early.... it would be so nice to spend that time sharing with you.... Im here for you in any way I can be.... Carrie   

Réponse de Cath1
06 avr. 2012, 22 h 18

Dear Carrie:

First let me envelope you in a virtual hug! Your feelings are in my mind totally natural. I too can relate to feeling most comfortable when I feel in control of my life. Don't we all? It's a terrible burden to have to live without information because your husband is not capable of knowing it, as I imagine that he too fears that whatever mystery is lying in the answers he will find himself without the comfort and safety of feeling in control of the outcome. My God, no wonder you are both suffering and yet, it may be the absence of information that is making things more difficult.

Once a very long time ago, I was in a very frightening financial situation. I had lost my job, and I had the responsibility for providing for my kids and had no idea how I would manage it all. In any case, I was feeling terribly overwhelmed and I confided in my aunt. I was feeling helpless and overwhelmed but the advice she gave to me proved priceless. She said I had only to make a decision, to take action and once I did that things would begin to be restored in my life. She was right. I made the decision to move us from our large - and much loved - five bedroom home and for a few years we had to live in a basement apartment. I found a cute apartment and made do. Like my Mom, it is strength of mine, always being able to make the best of whatever we had. The point of the advice is that we may be in circumstances that we don't want to face, but crying about it and allowing ourselves to become immobilized only adds to the feelings of helplessness and lack of control. As soon as we make a decision, and accept that it may not be the best thing we were wishing for, we could handle it and it certainly beats feeling 100% lost and at a standstill.

If you can speak to the doctors about your need for information and your husband's reluctance to know it, you can make better decisions about how to proceed from here. The news you receive may not be as scary as you think, or if it is worse than what you are expecting to hear, at the very least you will know what to expect. The truth of your situation will not be made more difficult by knowing it, as we often magnify things lurking in the mysterious dark.

Your husband needs hope and so do you. It cannot be a comfort to either of you if it is based on false or wishful thinking. You will cultivate the courage to face whatever it is that you and your family must. I believe that with better information, even if you have to keep it to yourself for a time until your husband can be eased into being made aware of it himself, will help you. It must be incredibly hard to continue putting on a brave face while feeling like you're falling off the edge of the world as you once knew it. I'm so sorry you are going through all of this on your own. Please continue to write and ask for help and understanding. I am here as are we all just waiting to respond to your need. It is a privilege to connect with you Carrie! Keep hopeful in the presence of our virtual care. It is the real thing! Hugs from me to you, Carrie! x0


Réponse de Caron
06 avr. 2012, 23 h 12

Hi Carrie,

I should be on this site at least several times a day … I am finding it helpful in understanding just what I can do in all of this.  It would be good for us to chat often since we are going through the same situation.  In talking about what is going on I am sure it will help in coping with all the changes that are happening.

Take care and know that I am praying for you


Réponse de Carriek
07 avr. 2012, 20 h 05

Thanks guys. 
Its so nice to know that you guys are there.  I guess denial, wishful thinking and shock play a roll in me being caught in such a terrible whirlwind... I mentioned that my husband has chose to not be given a "time" he has said that if he was to know, that he would give up. Therefore I must appreciate that and not burst the bubble of hope that he is so fiercly holding onto. When he looks into my eyes and asks me if I think he will make it- of course I reply "of course I do", this is to ease his mind. My main objective is him-- his feelings, his hurt, his care, his everything and that means telling him what he wants to hear-  his days have become filled with anxiety and he is constantly staring off into space, very quiet and obviously feeling very alone. I want him to know that we are here...every minute... 5 months ago we didnt know this could be possible.. it has now become our life... so sad so scary...
If I had one wish.....

Réponse de Cath1
07 avr. 2012, 23 h 06

Hi Carrie:

I am wondering about whether or not your husband and you and your girls were offered any type of social worker or psychologist or family counselling support? The reason I ask is that it seems to me rather a cruel thing to lay such a serious diagnosis on someone without offering such support services to you all. Spiritual, emotional and psychological health is so important in times of crisis.

Many years ago, my cousin's first husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the liver. My cousin and he had a young son. The whole family went for individual counselling to help them cope with the illness and to prepare them for the end of my cousin's husband's life. Sadly he passed away while in his mid-forties not long after he was diagnosed. The counselling sessions continued after his death for my cousin and her son. She says the support helped them both to accept her husband's illness and to face the aftermath of emotions once he died.

In my opinion, having someone to speak with regularly about your fears, to answer your questions and to listen to your concerns would be helpful. You need to express your feelings with someone who understands the truth of your husband's diagnoses because it would help you feel more supported and less alone. They may know coping techniques and specific ways to help guide you to acceptance of the future which is for you and your husband now very uncertain.

Has anyone told your husband that he cannot recover from the cancer? Has he been told that his is a terminal illness? I ask because since he is still receiving treatments, even though he his cancer is still growing, there may be more hope to hold on to than is obvious. If he has been told that the treatments will only prolong his life for a time rather than curing the cancer, then he knows on a deep level that his time is limited. If that is the case, not facing that truth, and not talking about it leaves him feeling indeed very isolated with his own fears and feelings and prevents you both from sharing them with one another.

I am here if you want to write back. I am wishing for you that your wish comes true. Never give up hope Carrie, because it is what we all need to get through the day. Sometimes we may have to alter the things we hope and pray for to include other possibilities, but we must always have hope. I am hoping for you and your husband that you will receive the support you both need to share openly the truth of your hearts with one another. I am hoping that you will both find the strength within to face every new day of uncertainly with the certainty that you are loved and cherished by each other. I am hoping you will both realize that confronting your fears and expressing your sadness in the light of day will not mean that either of you are giving up hope or giving into despair.

Of course you and your husband are feeling sad and scared! I hope you didn't misunderstand my analogy I used about my having to move which in hindsight was insensitive considering your dire situation. I did not intend you to think that you should not cry or wrestle with the denial and shock or wishful thinking as you and your husband both naturally feel so many distressing emotions. My situation was in comparison to yours a minor blip in life and I didn't mean to minimize your experience in any way. I feel so sorry if I failed to make my point clearly.

I meant to encourage you to seek good information that you can then act upon because wondering about the possibilities in the absence of information or open communication in my experience makes me feel worse. I do sometimes project my feelings and I hope you will never feel railroaded by my opinions which sometimes come across as directives rather than suggestions to be considered. I hope with all my heart I didn't make you feel that you are over-reacting because I would be screaming to the rooftops if I were in your shoes and I have a feeling you would be among the first people to answer my call for help! I am so in your corner Carrie and Caron's too and I care deeply about the news your husband's and you will both receive this week coming. I am praying that your hearts will find some solace in the message and the way it is communicated.

Big hugs to you Carrie and to you Caron! Your courage is quite simply amazing to witness! xo xo

If I could grant wishes, yours would come true!


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