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Réponse de Bizzy
16 oct. 2012, 3 h 41

I think that when the pressure is on like it is now its very difficult for me to separate the bad experiences from myself.  I get confused from feeling these bad feelings all the time and separting them from identifying who I am.  I am not these bad experiences or these bad feelings but as the pressure builds I find myself stuck, unable to separate the two. I get stuck thinking that I'm the bad feelings and its my fault that bad experiiences are coming my way.

During these times of high pressure, at some level, I find myself ruminating on the idea that this is some kind of punishment from the universe and if I could just figure out what it is that I did to deserve this and correct it then the pain would stop.  I keep waiting for the pain to increase because I can't figure out what it is that I'm doing wrong or that I've done wrong or what lesson it is that I'm supposed to learn.   There are times when I think to myself, if only I hadn't let a smoker into my life.  If only I hadn't gone to the bar that night and met him.  If only I hadn't  given him my number. I knew better, didn't I? Was this a consequence for doing the wrong things? Is this a karma thing? I know its irrational but it eats at me during these times.

My partner didn't suffer any consequences as a result of us not knowing the extrent of his injuries.  This is a blessing but it also really emphasized how vulnerable and exposed we are. I feel so stripped of control and safety and trust. The end of innocence.

During these times of pressure my energy reserves deplete and my self-esteem just plummets.

Réponse de Tian
16 oct. 2012, 4 h 34

Dear Bizzy

Been there. Done that. In my case I have come to the conclusion that bad things happen to good people. That hasn't necessarily reduced the extent of bad things happening  but I realize it comes with the territory and I just continue to do what I think is right and hope in the law of averages.

Bizzy, you definitely have not deserved all the terrible things that have happened to you. All in all, I think you have done amazingly well and as much as your partner has suffered, the state he would be in without you is unthinkable. Take things one day at a time, one second at a time if you have to. You may feel more in control if you don't give the medical staff the opportunity to withhold information from you and ask them about what's happening. Apparently they didn't think the injuries from the fall were a big deal and, in neglecting to tell you, left you to experience a huge, unnecessary shock. And don't neglect your own needs. Chin up.

Réponse de Bizzy
17 oct. 2012, 0 h 47

Thanks Tian,
Your words triggered a memory of a book I read after my daughter had passed on.  Why Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner.  It gave me a lot of answers and comfort way back then.  I'm going to head to the library tonight and brush up on the basics and regain a backbone against these miserable thoughts.

We are in the process of getting the CT and xray results from the emergency room to see what exactly the staff knew at the time.  It baffles me that not one person told us about these issues. It left my boyfriend vulnerable to further injury after he came home.  For instance, he should not have been lifting his flower pots or carrying grocery bags and his physiotherapy should have been designed around this. I'm really trying hard not to come to any conclusions until I can take a look at those results. 
Réponse de Brayden
18 oct. 2012, 3 h 11

I like your idea of checking out Kushner's book as he has some good tips. I  have read all your posts and can just feel the emotional roller coaster that you have been on. I just hope that you will be able to control your emotions and actions when you get the medical reports that you are waiting for. Now would not be a good time to burn bridges with your medical people. You need to keep all your energy for the days ahead and not spend it on the questional actions in the past. I sure hope that you will soon find clarity in your love's real condition so that you can move on. I feel for you. 
Réponse de Bizzy
18 oct. 2012, 6 h 18

Today I read the xray and CT scan results from when my partner fell in August. The tests only examined his head and neck.  They didn't examine his chest where the fractures and internal injuries were.  Somehow it eases the deep hurt and evisceration that I felt. Everyone at that time was focused on getting my partner breathiing again before it took his life. The doctor didn't investigate his injuries beyond his neck and head area. Unfortunate.  Nobody knew that my partner had any further iinjuries. 
Its just by an unusual coincidence that we even found out about the injuries this last week. We will let everyone pertinent know as we go along.  I'm surprised the pulmonologist who ordered the chest CT scan didn't inform us but I've got to move on as you say Brayden and refocus on my partner.  I haven't got time nor can I spare the energy to inform the emerg doctor of his inexperience.
These last few weeks have been a dark and difficult passage.  The stress has been enormous even as I tried to dip deeper hoping to find reserves that I might not know about.  I've been emotionally distant even intolerant and impatient unable to respond to my partners needs.  It was like a bubble around me and when he spoke all I could hear was blah blah blah. I couldn't hear his words.  Tending to my own health needs, trying to find the balance to my new diet and coping with the shock was just too much but I seem to have levelled out finally.  I was so scared I wasn't going to come out of this stress bubble I was in.
I've been so extremely angry and resentful  to have these extra stressors take away my ability to focus on my partner. This evening I have been able to rebalance and I find my partner stressed out badly. It breaks my heart to see him suffering.  I  haven't yet been able to reach him but I'm going to keep working on it.  I'm just so grateful the stress has lifted and that I can resume supporting him.

Réponse de Tian
18 oct. 2012, 12 h 32

Dear Bizzy

Don't be too hard on yourself. You are not a robot and no one would be immune to the crushing burden you have been bearing. Although it's impossible to forget, what happened happened and I greatly admire your determination to care for your partner. When he will be able to think clearly he will be able to realize, as we here all do, how fortunate he is to have you. And when the time comes when he will not be able to express his feelings toward you, have no doubt that you have been his heroine.

Réponse de Bizzy
01 déc. 2012, 10 h 11

We went on "vacation" to Arizona.  It was a bad idea.   I was superstressed out.  Lack of sleep, lack of food, an alien environment and foreign climate. Constant vigilance to make sure he's okay and the worry that if something goes wrong we're not home where I know how to access help. I couldn't stop feelings of worry and it was traumatic worry.  If anything went wrong it would be ten times worse than if we were home.  I was worried about the driving and worried when he didn't come back soon enough from where he said he was going and worried about his breathing tube and worried about getting lost and worried about the customs agents and the travelling process and on and on and on.  I didn't realize that I won't be able to rest until "after". 

Its taken a lot out of him.  Its getting harder.  I'm so scared.  My partner is getting more tired and losing his cognitive abilties. He's in more pain and his body is breaking down just a little more.  Its just taking so much to be brave in the face of his suffering.  I'm just so scared for him...what he must be going through. The little I can bring myself to imagine of what hes experiencing just brings me such agony.

I'm finding myself so impatient even though I try so hard to be understanding.  I am just so sick of having these awful feelings.  I know its normal to lose patience and to be exhausted but it still hurts so very very much to be in this state. 

While in Arizona one of his friends told me that when he first met me he thought I was just the hired help.  That gave me pause for thought. I've been complaining that he takes me for granted, that I don't feel appreciated and there it was "out of the mouth of his friend".  Someone who didn't even know me.  I've been stewing over this one and I realize that yes, its true that in some ways  I am the hired help.  Our traditional relationship and its growth ended when he was diagnosed last year and its morphed into patient/caregiver roles. 
His friend's comment defined and affirmed the situation.  It helps me to hold up my head a little more.  Yes I am the hired help, yes we are no longer defined by the traditional lover relationship, yes its all necessary and acceptable.

  I'm hurting so very very much.
Réponse de NatR
01 déc. 2012, 13 h 41

Dear Bizzy,

i have to reply to your note
i am so very sorry to read that your feelings about your relationship with your partner is not what you hoped it was - and to hear it from another person confirms it and does hurt.

I cannot imagine what the trip was like for you - and I feel your helplessness and fear in a strange place and with no control over your partner - who has been driving himself and other risky behaviours

Bizzy it's time for you to look out for yourself!
that is why you wrote the forum.
You needed to hear that - :)
its time for you to evaluate what you can do to caregive for yourself right now.

Your efforts on your partner's behalf are being ignored and unappreciated.
its more than time for you to reach out for Your support.

your partner is dragging you along on this so very difficult journey he is on with absolutely No regard for your feelings.
Please reach out to someone you can speak to in your community - mental health, a hotline for crisis support - Just to hear a voice tell you that you will survive and that you are worth it.

i and others are here on the forum but I think you need someone to counsel you personally!

please excuse errors as I write this on my phone.

my heart goes out to you today.  You are only trying to be a caregiver and being basically "ignored and treated like you don't matter."

Please know that You have tried and it's over.  You need to stop trying so very hard for your partner and use your energies to strengthen yourself.

your story resonates with me 
I understand your story because I am a caregiver and also a Giver - someone who tries often to fix something or make something better for someone else -and I know your feeling of being tossed aside, treated like you are not important.
you Are important.

understand that One thing - YOU matter to me, to others who read this
You are not alone.

keep writing us, and stop pouring your energies down the drain.
i don't mean stop completely but limit what you do and try to view the situation differently 

there is so much going on in your relationship and your partner - and you want to make it better but are being shot down.
thinking of you today and each day as you find your footing and take a stand.

i am very proud of you for all you are doing and have done on behalf of your partner who doesn't appreciate you 

You are doing the right thing to care - but you dont have to give til there is nothing left. 

its a complex situation you are in and I want you to reach out to someone on Your behalf today and then drop a line to let us know you found support or a listening ear.

Bizzy You matter at this point - I send you cyber hugs this morning.
dont spend any more time feeling guilty - and I know you hurt.  There is nothing worse that being treated badly, while you give so much of yourself.

its time for you Bizzy!

i hope your day starts now with you as a focus you are worth it!
Réponse de Tian
01 déc. 2012, 17 h 11

Dear Bizzy 
SH** HAPPENS. No one knows that better than you because you have been buried under it on at least two occasions. Over the last year you have been on a real roller coaster with your partner but what has been changing is not the news, which has been consistently bad, but whether blame should be assigned to you or your partner. You are beating yourself up unnecessarily Bizzy. There is no blame to assign. These are not ordinary circumstances. You are both having crap flung at you from all directions. There is no prescribed way to behave and whatever you do is understandable. You are not guilty of anything. It is what it is.

As for the trip to Arizona, I don't think it was a bad idea.That it turned out badly is not surprising given your partner's condition. But he wanted to go to a beautiful place and see a close friend before he died. That's reasonable. If you hadn't gone you'd probably be second guessing yourself forever. And I think you shouldn't dwell on what your partner's friend thought. He was probably overwhelmed by your partner's appearance and lost perception of everything else. I think it was the trip itself rather than the friend that defined and affirmed the situation. You took the trip because it was the right thing to do and although you knew there could be complications around every corner it turned out to be a mess THROUGH NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN.
I agree with NatR that you need help. However I think that if you love your partner and can care for him without doing irreparable harm to yourself than you should continue caring for him. If one of the above doesn't hold then I think you are justified in withdrawing from your partner. In any case, even if your partner never again expresses his love and/or gratitude to you, have no doubt that you have been of immense help to him and he was very fortunate to have you in his life. Above all else - DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP.

Réponse de Brayden
01 déc. 2012, 17 h 21

Dear Buzzy,
Reading your message this morning would be painful if I could not identify somewhat with your situation. What I cannot identify with is being on the computer at 4 A.M.. That is when I start snoring. I so agree with NatR that you must find a way soon to give yourself some respite. That rest and separation from the scene for even short periods of time would help you to refocus. Now you are blaming yourself for so many things that you just do not deserve and this throws off your reasoning. I also feel that you may cope better by understanding that your partner is probably responding the way he is because of the way he is handling his serious situation. I am sure he loves you like always, just cannot show it. We have to appreciate where he is coming from, even if it makes things very difficult at this time. It is so unfortunate that you could not enjoy your vacation in Az. I can hardly wait for New Years when we return there for two months for the ninth time. Will keep you in my heart and hope you find time to update us. Peace.

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