Forums de discussion

Réponse de KathCull_admin
21 sept. 2014, 1 h 22

Earlier this week I heard one of the poems that is up for a CBC poetry prize. (Nouce, you may know this already, but CBC = Canadian Broadcasing Corporation) It reminded me of some of the conversations on this thread. I found it quite meaningful and thought I would share the link with all of you. 

"Burnt Pot, Riverbank, Indifferent Sky" by Cynthia Woodman Kerkham

Réponse de oldbat
21 sept. 2014, 1 h 51

Katherine, thank you for sharing that.  What a beautiful poem.  The spasmodic language exactly echoes the shape-shifting of a submerging mind.  

There's a definition in English grammar that I've always loved:  pathetic fallacy.  That's what that poem was to me today.  A bad day.  Karl in tears much of the time because he's only seen me twice in the last five weeks, and my doctor has confined me to barracks for at least another week. He cries.  I offer chocolate and hugs - but later.  And the Ugly Sisters dance off into the declining days of summer, which is all they ever do.  I could cry , too.

Instead, I'll start a new thread - an amusing one - tomorrow.  Let's let a little levity into our so-bleak lives!

I hope you're having a great week-end, doing what you most love and relishing it.


Réponse de Nouce
22 sept. 2014, 0 h 53

I am glad for you (and yes, I do know abut the CBC!) My mother was Canadian and I still have several aunts living in Canada.

I am glad to know you're there. I'm glad for ways to think and feel that aren't just tangled up in the struggles of this moment.

I'm glad that love and tears aren't two different things.

Réponse de KathCull_admin
06 oct. 2014, 1 h 51

Hello everyone, 
A new member Per started the thread Learning about caring for and losing a sick spouse.  Could I ask you to consider responding to his post? Thank you.


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