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Réponse de Glasslady001
10 déc. 2012, 3 h 21

Hello everyone,
we finally have an appointment on the 18th to get a prognosis and any possible treatment options. It's going to be a loooong 9 days....

i truly hope everyone is doing well. 
Réponse de Brayden
10 déc. 2012, 4 h 10

I get frustrated when I have to wait 9 days or more for my annual check-up and here you have such a critical situation to deal with. I just feel so sorry for you. I hope your husband will learn to be very open and honest with his situation, which is not easy for most men. Asking for assistance is even more difficult. I just love being a volunteer companion with men that have overcome the hurdle of denial and open up with a new found trusting friend. The funeral for my last companion is tomorrow morning. My heart goes out to you and hope that you will seek help on this site as needed, knowing full well that you are probably well versed with information and resources from your professional training and experience. Thank-you so much for keeping us informed. Peace
Réponse de Glasslady001
10 déc. 2012, 7 h 01

Thank you Brayden. My husband was diagnosed with cancer on November 2nd and we are still waiting for options. He still has not told his mother and forbids me to say anything. She lost her husband ( my father-in-law) last October, to cancer, and believes this news will kill her. I believe she needs to know... my husband has not accepted his fathers' death yet either. Any suggestions?
Réponse de Brayden
11 déc. 2012, 3 h 13

I would suggest you send a message to Fred Nelson MSW, RSW on this web page under Ask a Professional. I am sure that he could answer some for your concerns and he is here in Winnipeg.  Please keep us posted.
Réponse de NatR
11 déc. 2012, 3 h 33

Hi Glasslady001 and also Brayden,

Glasslady I am so sorry your husband feels keeping his illness a secret is important.
it limits your and his ability to gain support.

my heart goes out to you - and I  hope you are able to find support for yourself with professional or personal contacts.  Just because your husband makes choices for himself - you also can choose your support circle - of which Virtual Hospice is part.

Brayden always has great comments to share
i also wished to say to Brayden, my sympathies to you as you say goodbye to someone who was part of your life too.

how fortunate these people are to have spent time with you.  Just reading your messages to others is comforting.  You have a way with words.

i am grateful to read all the notes on the forum - from all sides of a situation.

best wishes to all readers tonight - you are not alone, you are in the midst of friends.
11 déc. 2012, 15 h 13


Here is the link to Ask a Professional. You can ask our team of experts your question privately and confidentially.  

You can pose your question directly to Fred Nelson or to the team in general. Click Meet the Team to see who takes part in answering questions submitted to Ask a Professional.

You may also wish to read the article Hope and Denial written our team member Glen Horst. 
Réponse de Brayden
15 déc. 2012, 19 h 45

Dear Glasslady,
Well one week of waiting has gone by and your meeting for next Tuesday is much closer. I hope that after that meeting and getting a prognosis, your husband will be open with his mother and others about his situation. It would be such a relief for both him and you. I will have you in my thoughts on Tuesday. Have you made progress in terms of finding some support for yourself? Please do not hesitate to post here as we are never too busy for you. (Your call is important to us.) Peace.
Réponse de Glasslady001
15 déc. 2012, 20 h 00

Thanks for your thoughts Brayden.
not sure how I made it through the week, but I did.
i have connected with someone at cancer care, which has been helpful.
i am just focusing on " 3 more sleeps"'.......
I will keeposted all posted....
30 déc. 2012, 22 h 01

Hi Glasslady001,

I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I can only imagine that you have had a fair amount of unspoken tensions and stress this holiday season. Be rest assured that you are in our thoughts. It would be great to hear from you when you have a moment to check in.

Réponse de Glasslady001
31 déc. 2012, 15 h 26

Hi Colleen,
thanks for thinking of me. This season has been quite trying and emotional.
We finally have an actual diagnosis... Stage IV well differentiated hemoendocrine  tumours.

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