Forums de discussion

04 janv. 2013, 0 h 42

Hi Anne,

Thanks for writing. Endocrine cancers are so difficult to diagnose. How is your husband dealing with the diagnosis? Is he moving towards acceptance? Has he shared his diagnosis with his mom?

How are YOU doing? 
Réponse de NatR
13 févr. 2013, 21 h 24

Hi Anne,

hello just checking in to see hoyo things are going with you and how your husband is.

it must be still so very challenging, now that you have the diagnosis.

Has there been any way to share the diagnosis and the stress you are under - with family ?

please drop a note when you can - and I hope that you are getting some support in your home area.

sending thoughts your way,
Réponse de Glasslady001
10 déc. 2013, 15 h 36

Hello everyone,
it has been quite the year. My husband has been undergoing chemo here in Winnipeg and radiation in Edmonton. In November, he had surgery in Edmonton. They found more than they expected and ended up removing two large sections of his liver, a significant portion of his stomach, all the lymph nodes surrounding the stomach and part of his pancreas. He is continuing with the chemo and radiation will resume in February. 
I aplologize for not updating sooner, but I blink and another month has passed... 
Réponse de Tian
10 déc. 2013, 16 h 30

Dear Anne

Thank you very much for the update. There is no need to apologize for not writing sooner. We understand that you have been under a tremendous amount of stress and there has been no shortage of things to think about. Your husband having had such extensive treatment, does that mean that he has come to a degree of acceptance and his mother is aware of the situation? How are they and you coping? Take as much time as you need to reply.

Réponse de Glasslady001
10 déc. 2013, 16 h 46

Hi Tian, thank for the kind words. His mother does know now. My husband does accept the fact that he has cancer, but not that he has limitations now. He did not follow doctors advice after surgery and now has an infection. He is on antibiotics prescribed by his family physician. I also think they dropped the ball in Edmonton. The surgery was 8.5 hours and they let him out  ( and travel back to Winnipeg) on the 6th day. Also, the oncologist that was treating him quit and moved to Quebec without passing my husband on to another physician. As a result, we did not get home care nor any follow up. We do have a follow up appt with the surgeon in Edmonton on December 18, but no oncologist to follow the radiation treatments.

i am holding up as best I can. I have taken unpaid leave until January to look after him. I pray that all will work out.

Réponse de Brayden
11 déc. 2013, 1 h 20

Dear Anne,
I can feel your high stress level from reading the messages. For you to be travelling from here to Edmonton for treatments sounds even more challenging. That must really complicate the task of getting a complete picture of where things are at. I feel for your husband. Taking time off now sounds like a wise decision on your part. I hope you take some time for your own personal self-care as you can get too run down if you keep giving of yourself 100% of the time. Hopefully you have other family members or friends here to help you out. Take good care.

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