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Réponse de Tian
20 janv. 2013, 13 h 52

Dear Crystal

I extend my deepest sympathy to you on the passing of your Grandma. You describe an environment I would like to exist when I take my last breath. You seem to be in a well-earned positive frame of mind at the moment but I'm sure dark memories lurk. But in time I think those will be overwhelmed by positive memories. If issues arise in your grief that are difficult to deal with you are more than welcome to come back here.


21 janv. 2013, 2 h 39

Dear Crystal,

I add my sympathies along with NatR's and Tian's. In fact, I completely embrace their messages to you. Many emotions lay ahead and please know that we are here if and when you may need us. Grief can come in waves and when least expected. There are others here in the Virtual Hospice community who could be at your side as you travel this path.

I also want to say thank you. Thank you for sharing these final days that you spent with your Grandma. Your words will help others and they will find comfort in the peace and love that you were able to find during one of life's most heartfelt trials.

Today, we also shared our condolences with Andreadzel as she said goodbye to her mother. While there are significant differences in your situations, there are some surprising parallels. Perhaps there is a serendipity in your paths crossing on Virtual Hospice.

As you return home, take care of you now. Your Grandma would want it that way.
You are in my thoughts.
Réponse de SeaGlass81
21 janv. 2013, 23 h 35

Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Colleen - I'm so thankful for all the support and incredibly useful resources that Virtual Hospice has provided me with during this journey.

Thank you also for connecting me with Andreadzel - I read her story and I was shocked to see how similar our experiences really were...I'll be sending her a message here shortly to offer my condolences and support as well.

Today is a good day for me. Saturday, when I returned to Vancouver I was a shaky mess; I felt like the whole week sort of came crumbling down around me at about 2am and I had what can only be described as an emotional meltdown. My husband (bless his heart) was at a loss with how to help or console was overwhelming for both of us, but it was also a long overdue release, I felt. Yesterday was a bit of a fog, but I talked to my Grandma a lot, telling her how I was feeling and just picturing her telling me it's all ok - she's happy. After a long and again, overdue night of deep sleep, I am feeling....well, ok. I'm back at work today and I feel like I can sense my Grandma cheering me on, through my grief and helping me to see the silver lining.

The funeral home who is handling arrangements for my Grandma's service posted her obituary today; I thought I would share it with you HERE so that you can all see what a gorgeous and incredibly loved woman my Grandma was.

I am gearing up for my vacation to Mexico next week; it's nice to have something positive to put my attention toward and I know that not only do I need the break, but my Grandma is so happy to see me living my life to the fullest...she'll be with me the whole way.

Anyway, thank you again EVERYONE for all your kindness and support. It jsut warms my heart and makes me that much stronger to know that I have a place to come to when I need to talk - I'm so thankful and will pay that all forward to others.

With gratitude and a lighter heart today,

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