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Réponse de mzmojo
13 févr. 2013, 4 h 39

Dear Andreadzel,  I just read your post from the 20th of January.  As I was reading it, I could hear my own words.  My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer on October 3, 2012.  She passed away in  my arms on December 21, 2012.  I was alone with her at the hospital because we were not expecting this to happen so quickly.  My dad and two brothers were all at home.  I have the same feelings as you.  My mom was fine before the diagnosis - she complained of back pain and some shoulder pain prior.  We thought maybe bowel obstruction or kidney infection.  Thought her shoulder was arthritis.  In the 2 1/2 months that she fought this horrendous cancer, she was pretty good.  She fought like hell and tried every thing I could think of to give to her to fight.  She only did 2 rounds of chemo because she was getting weak.  In the last week of her life, she went down hill so rapidly.  I was in total shock.  My mother was never sick a day in her life.  She was also a very strong woman.  I was still trying to accept that she had cancer and now I'm finding that I have to accept her death too.  I have a 21 month old daughter and she is my parents only grandchild.  My mother adored her like crazy.  I'm finding it very difficult to accept that my daughter will never get to laugh and play with grandma ever again.  I made photo albums for her and she looks at them every day.  My mom had also made a recordable story book for her first Christmas.

I would like to chat with you because we have this loss in common and maybe we will be able to help each other through it.  My mom had just turned 67 in September.  Way too young as well.  I had my first birthday without her on January 18th - not a good day this year for either of us :(

Take care and know that you are not alone

Réponse de GirlWithTheBlackBeret
22 févr. 2013, 2 h 11

Hi mzmojo,


How are you doing today?

I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s death.  You and I share the same birthday.

For both Andreadzel and yourself it’s going to take time to process such a monumental loss.  After my mom died, it was more than one year before I felt like myself again.

It was then I started to create a memory book for my nephews who were babies at the time. More than just random retold memories of her, I wanted the boys to really know what she was like as a person. I wrote a short story about her, starting with her life as a child, young person, married woman and mother. I wrote about small things too, like how at family wedding she was always the first to try to get the bride and groom to kiss. I went through family photos and found images that matched to what I had wrote about. I used an online publisher to print 3 hard copy versions of what I called “the Grandma Marilyn Book”. I gave them as gifts to my siblings to read to my nephews. Last Thanksgiving, I heard my eldest nephew who is 7, recounting a story about Grandma Marilyn to the younger boys.

My thoughts are with you,


Réponse de ShiningStar
22 févr. 2013, 18 h 05

Dear mzmojo,

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. It is so sad that all this happened so fast and that your mom didn't get a chance to see your daughter grow up.

I am glad that you had the opportunity to be there for your mom until the end. I am sure she knew how much you loved her.

The first year can be hard, especially because the first of everything happens: first birthdays without her, anniversaries, holidays, etc. It is good for you to find people who can understand what you are going through and be there for you.
Virtual Hospice is a safe and welcoming place and people are so supportive. Also, I don't know where you live, but most cities have Bereavement Programs through their local hospices and they have groups where people with similar losses meet, share their stories and walk togheter through their journeys.
Maybe this is something that can be helpful for you. 

How is the rest of your family doing? What about your dad and brothers? 

I am sending my warmest wishes and thoughts.
Take care,
Réponse de mzmojo
01 mars 2013, 2 h 45

Thank you both so much ShiningStar and Girlwiththeblackberet.  I have done up photo albums for my daughter.  I did them at Christmas.  She has every picture of her and my mom that was ever taken.  I got 4 albums so far.  I also have videos I took and my mom did one of those story books that records her voice reading the story for Ainsley at Christmas 2011.  We listen to that everyday.

The rest of my family is hanging in there better than I am I think.  My dad seems to be ok.  He has his moments.  He can't look at the photo albums when he is here.  My one brother has not been to my parents house since my mom passed away.  He says he isn't ready to be around us as a family other brother is doing ok ...has his moments as well.

I am going to see a counsellor at hospice and i do attend a group there - dealing with grief.  I also went to the mental health association to see a grief specialist and she also put me in a group for people that have lost a parent.

i'm just still is shock, awe of this whole thing.  my mom was never sick..never had the flu or anything ever.  she was fine other than pain in her back leading up to this pancreatic cancer.  i'm still trying to accept she had this let alone that she is no longer alive :(  we were so close that i can't even put into words how hurt i am.  i physically ache too :(

thank you both again
Réponse de ShiningStar
17 mars 2013, 14 h 46

Hi mzmojo!

I just wanted to check up on you..How are things?
I am glad you are doing all those things with you daughter Smile
and that you are getting the support you need from the counsellors and the group.
How are your brothers doing? Is your dad joining a group as well?

Thanks for sharing!
Wishing you the best,

Réponse de GirlWithTheBlackBeret
18 mars 2013, 2 h 32


It's understandable that you are in shock. It's going to take awhile for you to process such a significant loss. The first year after my Mom died was really hard on me. I recall feeling the physical pain you mentioned. It felt like my heart had been wriped out of my chest. I don't think I will ever "get over" loosing her, but the heart wriped out feeling has gone for the most part.

I've also learned that people deal with grief differently. I used to worry alot for my brother becuase I did not see him exhibiting much emotion in the year after she died. I think he just processed it inwardly while my sister and I let our grief outwardly. 

Keep up what you are doing. I echo Shining Star's comments. It's good that you've reached out for support. 

Thinking of you,
23 mars 2013, 16 h 51

Dear Andreadzel, GirlWithTheBlackBeret, SeaGlass81 and mzmojo,
A new member just joined our community today. Sad1 would like to connect with people who can relate to her situation as she cares for her mother who is passing away. I hope you will welcome her to the community and let her know she is not alone.

You can link to her post here: How to deal? - my mother is dying

Thank you!
With gratitude,

Réponse de mzmojo
24 mars 2013, 0 h 35

Dear Shining Star and The Girl with the Black Beret, thank you so much for checking in on me.  I'm still doing groups and seeing a psychologist.  I feel better while there but then reality or something hits me and I feel lost all over again.  I am the only one in my family doing this - groups, counselling.  My dad and brothers are just working through our loss on their own.  I do make an effort to keep my daughters life as normal as possible...meaning i talk about my mom constantly with her.  She will always know she has a grandmother that loves her with all her heart.

my work is making me return early.  i have to go back on monday.  i am not looking forward to that at all.  i know i need to get that routine back but it almost feels like if i do that, i am saying its ok that my mom isn't here Cry  I am still crying all night.  I miss her so much.  i miss everything about her.  i still sleep with her robe and i have one of her favorite sweaters that i just hold forever.  i don't know how to get on with living without my best friend...
09 déc. 2013, 1 h 21

Dear Andreadzel, SeaGlass81 and mzmojo,

It has been quite some time since you shared about your loss with our Virtual Hospice community. As the holiday season approaches and the one-year anniversaries of losing your mother or grandmother, I wanted to check in and to let you know that we're still here if you need us.

You may want to join the conversation about grief and holidays here:

Grief: How am I going to get through the holidays?

Also, recently we've had some new members join our community who have recently lost a beloved parent. Perhaps you would like to share with them.
I hope you'll stop by to let us know how you are doing.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
04 mars 2015, 2 h 38

It's been some time since this thread was active - over a year has passed. And Andreadzel and mzmojo, I know it's been just over two years since each of you lost your mothers. Have you found helpful ways of getting through the anniversary? We started a thread Surviving Grief: One Step at a Time - if you would like to read what other members have said or add your comments.

Beanie722 posted today -  I lost my friend a month ago  - one year after a dear friend died. She says that she is having trouble with isolation and anger as the anniversary approaches. If any of you are able to write her words of support I know she would appreciate it.  

Thanks for thinking about it.

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