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Réponse de marstin
05 janv. 2014, 3 h 10

Réponse de debbied2007
05 janv. 2014, 3 h 15

K. I'm not too sure how to do this without advertising my name :(
Réponse de NatR
05 janv. 2014, 3 h 22

Hi ladies,
just wanted to add to your posts....please contact moderator Colleen and she will be able to help you with you don't share personal info, ok?
hugs NatR  
Réponse de marstin
05 janv. 2014, 3 h 31

I think Colleen sent you an email Deb. Thanks Nat:)
18 janv. 2014, 2 h 30

Hi Deb and Tracie,

I assume you guys were able to connect by email since we haven't heard from you in a while on this thread. I hope you'll still pop in once in a while to say hi and let us know how you are doing.

Thinking of you,
Réponse de debbied2007
18 janv. 2014, 3 h 10

Hi Colleen,

yes esm we connected via email and Facebook. Thank you very much for all that you've done!  It is greatly appreciated :)

Right now we are waiting on the results from the pet scan. It has been a very stressful time for all. We are trying our best to stay positive.  There are times when the egativity sneaks in. But just as soon as it appears we make it disappear. 

This is site is a wonderful site to assist those in need. I'm very thankful I found it. Very thankful for all those who helped me in the earlier postings.  This site is an excellent tool!!!!!  I will keep those following updated as to our situation. I'm praying for positive results :). Take care Colleen. Deb
02 mars 2014, 21 h 33

Hi Deb and Tracie,

I haven't checked in with you guys for a while. Thanks for your posts today Tracie. You're so kind checking in on others, I thought I'd check in on you? How are you?

How are you doing Deb? It's been ages since we've heard from you. 

Did you both see the new thread that I started called Are you fed up with winter? I was thinking about you Deb when I wrote it. Have you found it hard to get out in this cold? Being such an outdoors person, what are your tricks for keeping up your physical activity in between caregiving and challenging weather?

Jenn added some fantastic thoughts. I hope you'll add yours. Simple click on the link: Are you fed up with winter?

I look forward to hearing from you.
Réponse de marstin
02 mars 2014, 23 h 17

Hi Colleen,

Thanks for checking up on us. If you had asked me this question earlier in the week I'm afraid that I would have had trouble answering it. I was in such a deep state of depression and with many bills due on the 1st, including my mortgage, I was stressed to the max because I had no way of paying them.  I think it frightened me the most because when I had my heart attack 25 years ago it was due to similar pressures. Miraculously, the gods were kind (and I was pushy) and I finally was able to finalize my mom's estate and race to put money in the bank to cover the debts late Friday afternoon. The torture is over from my brother and the lawyers office. It was my oldest's 24th birthday and she was with me to celebrate the end of it all. The mood in our household has changed dramatically and we are all thankful to be out from under that cloud. Maybe now we can begin to heal. I think sometimes you do not know how horrible you feel until until a load has been lifted off of you and you can move forward in your life.

I am back to clearing our house and ready to face the unknown as to where we will move to once we sell. We might even fit in a little trip somewhere warm to relax and unwind. I feel a calm that hasn't been there since our losses. I think we're all ready to begin our new lives. I can feel the love of our sweet angels surrounding us and know that we will be okay.

Réponse de debbied2007
03 mars 2014, 18 h 43

Hi Colleen, Hey Tracie,

Well, due to unforeseen circumstances, the PetScan results were the least of our worries.  My hubby was hospitalized in February for 23 days; he had Mega Toxic Colon, which was basically a bad infection.  On February 2, we went to Emerg because he had a fever.  The doctors took him in right away, so we didn't have to wait in the waiting area.  Thank goodness.  They started him on an IV to get fluids into him and other vitamins as he was lacking in quite a few.  He hadn't been eating for about 2 weeks (we found out why) and was basically his only intake was water for a few days.  Needless to say, I was relieved when he finally let me take him to Emerg in the afternoon.  They contacted the Cancer Institute here in Edm and they booked a bed for him.  He was taken by ambulance to the CCI at around 1:30 monday morning.  I drove myself home, lost of course and wondering what next steps entailed.  Anyway, at the CCI they did a bunch of tests on him, blood and xrays, and a few days later finally found out what was going on.  They put him on antibiotics and a "feed bag" as he wasn't allowed to eat solids until it was determined what they were going to  more tests?  Anyway, he was transferred to another hospital where his GI surgeon was located out of, around the 13th (almost 2 weeks trying to get the infection under control).  Once he was at the hosptial, they booked his surgery for the following Tuesday, and was on standby notice.  It was early in the evening when he finally had his surgery to try and correct what went wrong.  He was in the hospital until the 25th recovering.  During recovery he was slowly re-introduced to solids and is now eating full meals :).  It was a very stressful time for me.  I'm sure I aged 10 years in those 3 weeks and two days.  I also hurt my back, sitting in those horrible hospital chairs for that period of time.  Hubby is fully recovering now.  At one point, he was only 4 pounds heavier than I (i'm 5'4" and he's 6'3"...).  Things are finally falling into place, health wise.  As to the next steps, well we are waiting for his oncologist.  He only managed to do 2 of the 6 bouts of chemotherapy recommended by the oncologist.  He is tired of healing and isn't sure what his next steps are.  He just wants his body to have a fighting chance to get healthy.

As for my exercise - well, it was basically nil.  I have a friend at work and we try to walk during lunch break.  With the uncertainty, it was hard to do this everyday.  My bloodpressure is extremely high, so I have to get that under control.  I'm useless to anyone should I have a stroke or worse!  I'm slowly working on my health and trying to get healthy again.  I can't wait until it warms up so I can start my running again. 

Thank you Colleen for the link - I will take a look at it today.  I guess when it rains it pours.  I received my lay off notice and will be looking for another job.  I knew this was coming, and this was the least of my worries.  But now it's here and now I actually have to do something about it! 

Our daughter and granddaughter moved out in December, but we get our granddaughter about 3-4 days a week.  LOL.  She says "when I'm with mommy I miss you grandma...but when I'm with you, I miss my mommy!"  So sweet; but this is good.  They needed to start their life away from Lil G (little grandma) and Big G (big grandpa).  They are slowly stabilizing their life and getting on with it.  It was quite lonely when my hubby was in the hospital for those 23 days.  But, I still had the cats, who patiently waited everyday for me.  I would like to say life is good right now; having gone through the horrific month of February.  The sun is shining; it's cold, but at least we are able to get out of the house now.  And hubby has his positive and healthy attitude back again.  Thanks for checking up on us Colleen.  It is greatly appreciated Cool  Take care, Deb
Réponse de KathCull_admin
04 juin 2014, 2 h 40

Hello Deb, Tracie and NatR,
Deb I don't think we have 'met' before. I joined the community in November and have been slowly getting to know people.  

Like all of you I appreciate the experience and support members offer each other here. Quite unique. Mary M. summed it up in a thread started by Lindsaymarie Failing Friendships when she said, "I found angels here. People who really care."  

You mentioned your cats Deb and I know you have a lovely dog Tracie, do you or have you had pets NatR?  We  started a new thread this week that you might be interested in checking out 
What pets can do 

Take care everyone,


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