Forums de discussion

13 févr. 2014, 2 h 12

Hi Sad1,

How are you doing? I notice that the anniversary of your mom's passing is approaching. This can be a tough time and I just wanted to let you know that we're here if you need us or just want to talk.

Thinking of you.
Réponse de KathCull_admin
09 févr. 2015, 17 h 27

Hello everyone,
Another year has come and gone.  Sometimes it seems like questions are asked   - just as a formality, but I really do wonder how you all have been in the past year. Mzmojo, Sad1, Pudding, Marstin, NiteLad, Sunflower1973… 

A new member, Jaidey, posted early this morning to Dealing with my mom's death! She wrote words about her mother’s death that I think many can relate to,

“I’m having a little trouble dealing with my mother not being here physically....and it hurts so much!  I feel like a fish out of water. There's no daily routines anymore.. I can't pick up the phone and listen to her laugh...or kick her butt in a game of crib... She's gone...and now the hard part begins...”

If you are able, would you consider responding to her post?

As always, thanks for thinking about it.


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