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Réponse de NiteLad
16 mai 2013, 2 h 37


We are here for you, and know all too well how these horrible events make us feel.  Please don't hesitate to express your thoughts and feelings here.

Wishing you peace today...

Réponse de sickness
17 mai 2013, 1 h 09

thank you all for your encouragement to be strong and kind words....

 amazingly right now hubby is doing GREAT!!! he even cleaned out the downstairs freezer today!!  but then evenings he crashes big time... dont know whats happening... but taking these good days while they are here.. they changed his chemo regime to Fulfox..But at a 20% dose reduction cause they say it would be too hard on his liver and him at a full dose?!   he has been on this dose reduction for 1month already....anybody know why the sudden change in him??!  ......... not complaining, its nice not to be soooooo stressed out :)
Réponse de NatR
17 mai 2013, 1 h 16

Good new, grab it and hold those good hours close, wish I had answers for you - maybe someone else Will.

Glad your stress is lower and your husband had a great day, that's a relief for you oh.

hopng tonight is a good night also,
best wishes,
Réponse de Brayden
17 mai 2013, 1 h 44

Dear Loll,
I just read your post of this week and I can feel the stress in your life. Your dad may be near end of life but you should not be caring the whole load by yourself. We have so many resources available here in Winnipeg. You make it sound like your dad is still at home and not in Paliative Care. The oncologist or Cancer Care could give you guidance. You could also contact Hospice & Paliative Care Manitoba for some of their services. Please take care of yourself too as you could easily get exhausted. Our Gov. also has the benefit for a family member to take leave with pay for a number of months. Good to check out. Please keep us posted if you have time. We care for you on this site.
Réponse de Loll
17 mai 2013, 2 h 12

hi Brayden,
Dad is in Hospice care now with less than a month left.  I want to be there as much as I can, because Im the only family left.  I just really want him to know that I am there for him and I want to be there for him when he passes.  it's such a short time left so  I hate to complain about being inconvenienced.  
Dad is only receiving comfort care at this point and no oncology intervention, per his wishes.  he's signed a DNR as well.  it's only a matter of time now, so I know I can get through this part.  It's the grief that Im afraid of.

Thanks for caring,
Réponse de marstin
17 mai 2013, 3 h 37

Hi Loll,

Comfort care is such a calm and gentle time. Not so many months ago I sat through those last days with my mom and when she did finally pass, I think we were all at peace with it. You may not realize it but you are already going through the beginning stages of the grieving process. For those of us who have been walking this road for awhile, we understand that you will have many ups and downs and we will do our best to support you as you move ahead. Many of us have found that venting on here has given us the strength to face each emotion and each moment knowing that love and concern is at our fingertips. Although we cannot take the pain away we will comfort you as best that we can.

Réponse de marstin
17 mai 2013, 3 h 48

Hi sickness,

Savor each moment of that your husband is on top of the world. These memories will bring a smile to your lips and  tears to your eyes in future days. Maybe the change in his dosage is giving him that extra boost. It's been 10 months since I lost my husband and I savor the up times so much and the extreme closeness we shared while he battled this disease.We are here for you.

Réponse de sickness
22 mai 2013, 2 h 29

Has anybody with colon cancer with mets to liver been treated with Fulfori for a few years then changed to Fulfox? How did you handle the change?  Good, bad and/ugly....  Hubby is palliative ... But at home ..... changed to fulfox and is doing good!   Im worried this is not going to good to be true?K.advise?..   I am soo scared for him.....he's only 51
Réponse de Brayden
22 mai 2013, 2 h 41

Dear Sickness,
You have a very good question and perhaps you should send your question to "Ask a Professional" on this site. They would have a better response for you. Do not hestitate to keep asking questions, we want to help.
Réponse de sickness
22 mai 2013, 2 h 59

Smile  Thanks Brayden, I will 

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