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Réponse de JennJilks
06 oct. 2013, 21 h 48

Dana, as a hospice volunteer, I heartily recommend you reach out to them. Most towns have volunteers who will provide help. They can send volunteers for peer support for your parents.

Your parents might benefit from Meals on Wheels, or other supports like that. There are many senior agencies where you might purchase services.
Give your father permission to be sick.
It is not surprising that this might happen, depression, on the other hand, when we are ill we tend to go inwards. Protection from society, others.
The Cancer Society with give you peer counselling. I had that when my mom was dying of cancer having chemo, dad's brain tumour returned, and he was getting radiation.
I ended up on antidepressants myself, and burned out working while trying to be caregiver.
Look after yourself.
I called the cancer society for help. They provided me with much information, from research, on things I could do. They also hooked me up with a woman, by phone, whose mom had died from a brain trumour, and father had had cancer.
You are not alone.
13 oct. 2013, 22 h 56

Hi Dana,

I've been thinking of you today. How are you doing?
Réponse de dana0507
14 oct. 2013, 3 h 17


Thank you for asking. I am doing ok. My dad begins his 2nd round of chemo. tomorrow. 
Trying to help him and my mom out in any possible way that I can. He's had a good few days for which I am thankful.

Thanks again! 
02 nov. 2013, 21 h 59

Hi Dana,

How are you and your mom and dad doing? Did the 2nd round of chemo go okay? Perhaps he's even had a 3rd round since you last wrote.

I was supposed to go and visit my parents today, but my daughter and I woke up with sore throats unfortunately. We're fine - a lazy day did us both good today. But even with a little germ, I don't risk visiting them as my Dad's immune system is weak. I suspect my mom is more susceptible to colds too given the stress. It was too bad because I know she misses us, especially my daughter who brings joy and laughter.

I'm hoping you have a few minutes to write back to give us an update. How many kids do you have? Were you able to enjoy Halloween with them? Did your Dad?

Talk soon.

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