Forums de discussion

Réponse de JennJilks
30 mai 2016, 13 h 04

Well, tax season is over. I'm happier. Spring is truly here.

Lilac season is so short!
We've had lilacs, and we celebrated our kids' 11th anniversary. That's a good story!

We've had some fun watching birds on nests, and have a wood duck box with eggs.

Momma woodpecker successfully raised her NOISY baby!Still have babies in the nests!
Woodpecker nest

Yesterday we watched a blue bird.

Momma and poppa Barred owl have been raising a chick. That's been a journey!

I was really excited to watch the male bath in the wetland. More excited that I captured it in a video!
Owl bathing

After dinner a bear ambled by. 
Cheers from south eastern Ontario!
Réponse de NatR
30 mai 2016, 13 h 18

What a lovely way to start each of our days!
beautiful photos and text Jenn!
Thank you
 Hugs to each one:)
its a rainy humid morning in northern ontario but anything is better than winter:)
of course that means road construction everywhere leading me to believe that take about canada
6 months of winter
 6 months of road construction is definitely true!
sending warm thoughts to all
NatR 🌷❤️ 
Réponse de KathCull_admin
12 juin 2016, 4 h 17

Beautiful pictures JennJilks!

Réponse de Carlyn
13 juin 2016, 16 h 25

I like your photos too JennJilks! Beautiful.

Thanks for these :-)

Réponse de JennJilks
13 juin 2016, 17 h 26

Thank you, all! We try hard to enjoy each day. Our owl is still in the forest, I can hear her murping from time-to-time! Smile

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