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Réponse de Carlyn
12 oct. 2015, 23 h 50

Marymary, thank you for sharing the latest. With all of that news and processing, your idea of keeping positive and focusing on making best of the coming weeks sounds good for all of you. 

It really works sometimes and you all need some days of finding light and happy. I'm with you all in spirit and keeping happy thoughts for you as well. 

If there is anything we can do to keep that feeling going, please let us know. 

And if that changes and you have a tough day or worried thoughts to share, please post it so we can be your virtual backup even if only for solidarity.

I'm so glad you checked in with us. Your light and positivity are wonderful. It definitely does help, for all of you. It's no small feat so again, Way To Go! :-) 

Réponse de Marymary
16 nov. 2015, 10 h 00

Ahh thank Carlyn - like you say we donèt have all postive happy days - today was not good nor last night I did post about it but I want or need to comfort our son who I love so very much as his dad does too but god it so sucks right now we can not....but I can be there for him & will and hopefully will do and say the best things to my ability - it is the most difficult thing ever - geez louise - conversations you never want to have with anyone let alone your child but we have & will continue to do out best for his dad which helps us in our own way too - there is some days that are just not good period - no getting away from them no matter what - that is life - yesterday and today are those days but at the end of the day give a hug and just be there period helps!!!
Réponse de Carlyn
16 nov. 2015, 17 h 23

MaryMary, you said it. I'm sorry for all you're going through. 

Somehow I really believe your conversations with your son will only benefit him and deepen the bond you share too. That will always remain.  I'm glad you have each other even though the dynamic is parent and son, it lends strength and support when it's a close loved one helping with caregiving or even just being there if not really able to do much themselves.

I've kept you all in mind and heart, keeping good energy thoughts if only to help you keep going.

I know you're helping a lot, just in case you need some confirmation of that. Your posts reminded me of the stark feeling of difference or shock a bit between being "in it" versus someone else hearing about us being in it. As you said, it's one foot in front of the other, every day sometimes being different and doing the best you can.

I think you're doing wonderfully and a great help to your ex and your son. Want to be sure you hear that today. Keeping good energy thoughts for you.


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