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Réponse de KathCull_admin
22 juil. 2014, 22 h 48

I was thinking about you this weekend but forgot to send you Best Wishes for your wedding.


Whatever the weather I am sure it was a lovely day. Is there a picture you would want to share or stories?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Réponse de jorola
23 juil. 2014, 0 h 59

Hi there,

Wedding went perfect. Short and sweet ceremony followed by celebrating and laughter with family and friends. weather cooperated for the most part. it did rain before and a smidge afterwards but i am told rain on your wedding day is good luck? I will post a pic once i get them from the photographer.

Mick was sick from his painkiller twice before the ceremony. this new one has adifferent base from the last one - does not seem to agree with him. going back to the dr this week if i an convince him - he wants to see if he can maybe just go without.

i on the otherhand am more exhausted than i ever have been. not sure if it is flu, everything just catching up on me or if i am coming down from an adrenilin high of over 2 months. Sleep was constantly interupted last night due to night sweats and wheezing. Still quite smokey here in alberta. missed work today. could not even get out of bed till 130 pm. now just waiting to go back there about 8 pm to get some more sleep and try to make in it tomorrow for work. Just sat all day and watched tv and that has worn me out.

"this to shall pass" right?

Réponse de jorola
27 juil. 2014, 23 h 29
28 juil. 2014, 0 h 21

Absolutely gorgeous Jorola!!!! Congratulations!

How are you feeling - one week as a newlywed? Did you manage to get some sleep this week? How about getting Mick to see the doctor and talk about the new painkiller not agreeing with him?

So many questions. Don't mean to bombard you, but would love an update if you're up to it.
Take care,
Réponse de jorola
28 juil. 2014, 2 h 26

LOL oops did not think the picture would be that big!

No worries about the questions. Have not been on here much since just before the wedding and being back at work.

I have been doing much better Colleen; thanks for asking. Between trying to get some more sleep and slight adjustment to my meds, things have been better over the last few days. Work is going ok. They are very understanding.

Mick decided to try to go without the painkiller and has been doing ok, sort of. He is not getting sick but able to eat a little something and keep it down. He actually put on a few pounds. He is so tiny to me though. He really wants to be able to exercise and build up strength but standing for 15 min can be a chore. he wedding really wore him out. We had to have a chair near by for all these pics so he could rest every few minutes.

All in all we are just enjoying our days and leaving cancer in the background as much as possible right now.

Réponse de Xenia
28 juil. 2014, 15 h 32

Good Morning"

Congratulation Jodie, what a wonderful wedding picture.  You both look so great and happy, wishing you the best of all things.

All is well here, stats the same.  Ups and downs and life goes on.

Very hot so I stay in more and hope for cooler weather and pining for fall.  Spring and fall are my favourite times of the year and winter is good too.  Summer not for me.

The daughters, two of them came over for the weekend and on Sunday took John and myself out to see the ocean, at White Rock, B.C. it was great.  One daughter is so good, took dad on the pier but it was too bumpy so she took him around the walk way, then dad had to go the bathroom.  Without a blip she took him to the women's bathroom and cared for him.  I asked her if there was any reaction from the women, she said she didn;t care as he needed to go and if they didn't like it that is their fault.  She is so objective about all things.  Then we went to the berry farm for waffles and blue berries, I had the corn waffle, enjoyed it but it should have had some salsa and not honey as it needed some lift.  The girls enjoyed their blue berry wallf with mounds of whipping cream and loads of berries, John had coffee and a do nut.  He was not that hungry as he had his oatmeal early in the morning.

To-day the care person is coming to bathe John.  Just had a call from the office, different girl coming to-day.  This happens occassionaly so we go with the flow.

Not much else happening.  Nurse coming over after the caregiver leaves so it will be a busy morning.

Take care and Congrats Jodie and husband.


Réponse de jorola
29 juil. 2014, 0 h 55

Hi Xenia,

Thank you so much for your kind wishes. It was a great day. Mick was very worn out but happy.

Fall is my favorite time of year too. Damn Irish in me does not agree with hot sun. Iactually don't mind working in the summer because of the air conditioning at work.

Good on your daughter. Must have been so nice to have them.

Ah White Rock. So beautiful there. Mick used to live there. He took me all around there on our first vacation togther. So great you were able to get out.

Are you doing ok though? I hope things are good - as much as they can be. I always feel bad saying that. I know things are not good for you or John but I hope you still can enjoy some part of each day. How is your leg? Has that all cleared up?

You talked before how we all have up and downs on here.  I could't agree more. I hope you are trying to take good care of yourself - i know you are taking good care of John.

Please come talk anytime. We are all here to help each other through.

Hugs and strength to you.

Réponse de NatR
29 juil. 2014, 16 h 02

What a beautiful wedding photo
the love shines from you bith
strength to you both as your journey continues
best eishes
Réponse de Xenia
30 juil. 2014, 4 h 31

Hi Jodie and All:

Thanks for the message and asking about my health, ie, leg.  It is doing okay have to wear a compression stocking.  It is so hot here in the Valley and we are just veggie.

John has had  few bad days.  After the time out on Sunday he had a lot of pain in his chest, heart, etc.  Of course, silly man he moved the air condition (portable one) even though it is on wheels and he has no strength.  Didn;t like where our daughter had moved it closer to his chair.  Why they do this, who knows, quick with the nitro spray, morphine and nebulizer and then he slept until he needed his large dose of morphine.  6 mg.  1 mg when he has attacks and I can give him 2 at a time for his break through pain.

Yesterday, shortly after he had his dinner he had back pain, cancer in his lung acting up again.  He has been so tired and goes to bed right after his dinner.  Time alone is long for me but everyone goes through this.  I try to read but find I am rereading what I have already read, etc.

However, we have some good things to look forward to later on.  Hopefully John will be able to take a trip to Burnaby, near Vancouver and get to see our grandson;s new townhouse.  Tyler our grandson and his fiance purchsed a 3 bedroom townhouse and we are all excited for him and Cori.  Of course, our family is one of those who gets excited about things and right away we start getting things, Tyler has 3 mothers, our two daughters as when Tyler's mom had him she was in hospital for a long time as she had a deep vien thrombusis and we were not sure what would happen.  I watched him for months and then had to get home to the Cariboo, northern B.C. and the girls helped bring him up the first 6 months.  He is our cherished kid, not that he is special, but he has always been like by older people, like by his teachers etc.  Seems that he had such a hard birth that somehow he became such a kind and caring man.  He loves his grandpa and still visits him.  

With all this excitement it helps my days.  I am glad that you had a glorious day on your wedding day and that Mick was well enough for that special day.  Wishes for a happy life together and sweet memories of your wedding day.

It is evening and the night is getting cooler so I am going to open the sliding door and let some fresh air in.  Take care.

Can you let me know why the page is in French.  Just curious.

Hugs to all


Réponse de KathCull_admin
30 juil. 2014, 4 h 58

Hi Xenia,
I will answer more tomorrow - but I noticed my page was in French as well. If you scroll to the top of this page on the top right hand corner you should see the word 'English' - Click on it and voila it should become English.

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