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Réponse de KathCull_admin
13 déc. 2014, 5 h 23

Hi Jodie
The weather has been a little milder this past week - but it is still winter isn't it. Are you back at work Jodie? Did you bake? I still have to find a way to bake and not eat a good bit of it! Even frozen food can't stop me. 

Being able to celebrate Mick's birthday must have been a gift for both of you.  

Take care Jodie
Réponse de jorola
13 déc. 2014, 17 h 38

Hi Katherine,

Well we went from -36 to plus 7 and now freezing rain. Oh winter in Canada, how we love yet tolerate you.

I went back to work on Monday. Was very busy this we. I did not bake. Fraid it did little other than read the rest of my time off. I enjoyed it but all the baking, wall washing etc i had planned did not get done. I did flip my king size mattres around and injured my already bad shoulders so that kind of sucked.

Mick had his MRI on Wednesday but we don't see the dr until the 16th.  My anxiety is through the roof and i am crying at the smallest things. Worse yet my dad has prostate cancer (diagnosed in February) and his psa is now over 10. So he has to go back to his dr to see what is next with him. Just found that out yesterday.

I was so hoping for a happy christmas. Last year Mick's 34 yr old siter committed suicide Dec 8. Then my dad in Feb then Mick in April. I just so badly wanted this year to be better. The one yr anniversay of mick's sister was hard, now my dad. Not having a could day today.

Yep crying again. need new kleenx.

Wishing everyone better days

Réponse de jorola
16 déc. 2014, 22 h 00

Well it is a mixed Christmas. Got good news on Mick today. Pretty much nothing left but a scar. Will take time to build up his lung capacity again and cardio. Will not be the same again but hey better than cancer right? We go back in 4 months for another scan. My dad not so good news. His PSA levels are over 10 and he has to go back to his cancer dr to talk about what they are going to do next. We are spending Christmas with my mom and dad and regardless of what is happening going to enjoy what we do have - each other.

Peace to all this holiday season
Réponse de NatR
17 déc. 2014, 0 h 23

Dear Jorola,

seems like one crisis blends into the next one, and certainly no breaks over holidays:(

I know it will be hard for everyone over Christmas - and worrying about your Dads health now.
I hope that you will all be able to enjoy the togetherness over Christmas, and just savour every minute

I know it's not easy -  
sending you my thoughts and best wishes at this time

Also to everyone on the message boards 
thanks to each of you for sharing your burdens, lifting the spirits of others, and always caring and caregiving for your loved ones.

you make a difference - you help and inspire others by sharing your stories 
stories shared here really demonstrate the lengths everyone goes to for their loved ones

sending my thoughts to each of you and wishing you Peace and Love.
Réponse de jorola
21 déc. 2014, 2 h 12

Thank you for your kind words NatR

My dad is a trooper. He says regardless of what happens he is happy and truly believes he has had a good life. He still has an awesome sense of humour and tries to stay as active as possible.

I know we are going to have a blast this Christmas with them. I am so looking forward to it. I have not been home on CHristmas day in 8 years. Long over due.

Wishing everyone and happy and peacfel holiday and to better times in the New Year.

Réponse de jorola
25 juil. 2016, 4 h 27

Popping in to say hello and give a small update.

Mick and I just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversay. Yep he's still kicking. He goes for another scan here on Aug 2 but basically the doctors feel they beat it.

I have jumped in to read from time to time and continued to the best of my ability to follow everyone.

I still see people struggling in caregiving roles and it saddens me. I have actually become a moderator on another cancer forum and strongly encourage caregivers there to seek support and resources as soon as a diagnosis is given rather than to wait when things start to fall apart (kinda like I did). Just trying to help others like others, inluding many of you, helped me when Mick and I began our journey.

I wish all of those I knew and to those of you I have not met - peace and comfort on your jounreys.

Réponse de NatR
25 juil. 2016, 13 h 57

Hi Jodie,

glad to hear that things are going well for you....and it's  good to get the update on your hubby! Great to hear!

good news is worth sharing and celebrating
we can all feel the positive energy from your note:)

yes I have to agree  with you that caregivers are kind of lost souls....still wandering and trying to cope with too many details, too much stress, and not enough support.

its good you are busy and moderating and supporting other caregivers....way to go!
take care of yourself and have a good week.  The summer goes too quickly...especially as we get older ( at least for me that's how it feels)

take care and keep well.
thanks again for the update.
NatR 🌺
Réponse de KathCull_admin
07 août 2016, 1 h 09

Hi Jodie
How good to hear from you again.  Congratulations on your 2nd Wedding Anniversary - I just looked again at that lovely wedding photo on page 4 of this thread. 

I am glad your life, and Mick's is more stable and that you are able to 'Jump(ing) in to read from time to time'.  

Take care Jodie and all the best as you moderate - you will be able to provide people with understanding and encouragement.

Always glad when you pop in to post:)

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