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Réponse de NatR
25 sept. 2014, 17 h 31

Dear Kirstie,

welcome to the forum.  I am sorry to hear about the sad news of your husband and how sick he is.
you are dealing with so much, probably running on "standby mode" while your head and heart is in shock... Dealing with all the news and trying to hold the family together.

i know it's hard to do but is there any way you can get compassionate leave from your work?  It might be something that you can figure out - and spend as much time as possible with your husband.

I cannot imagine how stretched you are feeling - trying to keep everyone going.
in turn perhaps we as a group can offer you understanding and a safe place to talk, share, feel.
 all of us have something to offer - it all falls into place as you share your story, we respond and threads of comfort, understanding and acceptance weave us all into this giant blanket of love, pain, hope and recovery - sounds silly coming from a stranger / but you will see how we all feel a kinship - and support each other.

you are not alone 
sending you a hug too;)
Réponse de KathCull_admin
19 févr. 2015, 17 h 57

Hello everyone, 
Another minus 30 day here in the middle of Canada. "But," as we say here, "the sun is shining!"

Kirstie, how have the last few months been for you and your family?  Are the edges of the rut of life still as steep?  I wondered if you had seen a couple of threads that were posted recently.

Colleen started Support Groups (online & off) - Your recommendations please  and Nouce asked about the Report on stress  of family caregivers .

I thought they might be of interest to you. 

As Marstin and Xenia said you are always welcome to post here - the community is made up of great listeners.

Take care

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